REM name: freespace.sql REM This script is used to list database freespace, total database REM space, largest extent, fragments and percent freespace. REM REM Usage sqlplus system/passwd @freespace REM REM Date Create Description REM 30-Oct-96 F. Zhang Initial creation REM REM dba tool key: freespace.sql -- list database freespace, total space and percent free REM set pau off col free heading 'Free(Mb)' format 99999.9 col total heading 'Total(Mb)' format 999999.9 col used heading 'Used(Mb)' format 99999.9 col pct_free heading 'Pct|Free' format 99999.9 col largest heading 'Largest(Mb)' format 99999.9 compute sum of total on report compute sum of free on report compute sum of used on report break on report select substr(a.tablespace_name,1,13) tablespace, round(sum(a.total1)/1024/1024, 1) Total, round(sum(a.total1)/1024/1024, 1)-round(sum(a.sum1)/1024/1024, 1) used, round(sum(a.sum1)/1024/1024, 1) free, round(sum(a.sum1)/1024/1024, 1)*100/round(sum(a.total1)/1024/1024, 1) pct_free, round(sum(a.maxb)/1024/1024, 1) largest, max(a.cnt) fragment from (select tablespace_name, 0 total1, sum(bytes) sum1, max(bytes) MAXB, count(bytes) cnt from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name union select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) total1, 0, 0, 0 from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name) a group by a.tablespace_name;