/* The following example is passing CURSOR VARIABLE betweeb PL/SQL and using CURSOR VARIABLE * to return a RECORD Type. */ Create or replace Package Emp_Pck IS Type emp_rec IS RECORD (a1 varchar2(10), a2 varchar2(10)); Type emp_cur IS REF CURSOR return emp_rec; Procedure Open_Cur ( C1 IN OUT emp_cur); END; / Create or replace Package body Emp_Pck IS Procedure Open_Cur ( C1 IN OUT emp_cur) IS BEGIN OPEN C1 for Select a1, a2 from a; END; END; / declare test emp_pck.emp_cur; aa emp_pck.emp_rec; begin emp_pck.open_cur(test); fetch test INTO aa; while test%found loop insert into a values (aa.a1, aa.a2); fetch test INTO aa; end loop; end; /