/* The script iterates through all the tables existing in both schemas, and identifies all the records missed in any of those tables. Record comparison is based upon table columns common in both schemas; - it is assumed that those column are of the same datatype (though, their size might be different). Database link setup is borrowed from O.Sorland's script. */ set serveroutput on set arraysize 1 set maxdata 32000 begin dbms_output.enable(999999); end; / undef prex undef prefx undef a undef thisuser undef b undef REMOTESCHEMA undef REMOTEPASSW undef connstring undef c undef todaysdate variable prefx varchar2(3) declare i number ; j number ; k number ; cnt number; begin for i in ascii('A') .. ascii('Z') loop for j in ascii('A') .. ascii('Z') loop for k in ascii('A') .. ascii('Z') loop select count(*) into cnt from user_objects where object_name like chr(i)||chr(j)||chr(k)||'%'; if cnt = 0 then :prefx := chr(i)||chr(j)||chr(k); return; end if; end loop; end loop; end loop; end; / column a new_val prex set verify off set linesize 132 set feedback off select :prefx a from dual; column b new_val thisuser select user b from dual; column c new_val todaysdate select to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI') c from dual; accept REMOTESCHEMA char prompt 'Enter remote username:' accept REMOTEPASSW char prompt 'Enter remote password:' hide accept connstring char prompt 'Enter remote connectstring:' spool tblsdiff PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PROMPT TABLE DATA DIFFERENCES &todaysdate PROMPT PROMPT this schema: &thisuser PROMPT remote schema: &remoteschema.@&connstring PROMPT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PROMPT PROMPT create database link &prex.lnk connect to &REMOTESCHEMA identified by &REMOTEPASSW using '&CONNSTRING'; PROMPT PROMPT declare cursor ctbl is select table_name from user_tables intersect select table_name from user_tables@&prex.lnk ; tblname varchar2(30); dblink varchar2(50); begin dblink := '&prex.lnk'; open ctbl; loop fetch ctbl into tblname; exit when ctbl%notfound; declare cursor ccol is select cname from col where tblname = tname and cname <> 'CREDATE' and cname <> 'CREUSER' and cname <> 'UPDDATE' and cname <> 'UPDUSER' intersect select cname from col@&prex.lnk where tblname = tname; colname varchar2(100); cnames varchar2(4000); i integer; query varchar2(4000); rec_tab dbms_sql.desc_tab; rec varchar2(4000); rec_col varchar2(2000); isdiff boolean; procedure tbl_diff(query in varchar2, msg in varchar2) is cursor_name INTEGER; ret INTEGER; begin cursor_name := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse(cursor_name, query, DBMS_SQL.native); FOR j IN 1..i LOOP DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(cursor_name, j, rec_col, 30); END LOOP; ret := dbms_sql.execute(cursor_name); --dbms_sql.describe_columns(cursor_name, i, rec_tab); LOOP IF DBMS_SQL.FETCH_ROWS(cursor_name)>0 THEN -- get column values of the row rec := ''; FOR j IN 1..i LOOP DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(cursor_name, j, rec_col); rec := rec || SUBSTR(rec_col,1,30) || ','; END LOOP; if isdiff=false then dbms_output.put_line('-------------------------------------'); dbms_output.put_line(tblname || msg); dbms_output.put_line('-------------------------------------'); isdiff:=true; end if; dbms_output.put_line(rec); ELSE -- no more row to copy EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; dbms_sql.close_cursor(cursor_name); exception WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_sql.close_cursor(cursor_name); raise; end; begin open ccol; cnames := ''; i := 0; loop fetch ccol into colname; exit when ccol%notfound; if i<>0 then cnames := cnames || ','; end if; cnames := cnames || colname; i := i+1; end loop; close ccol; --EXECUTE IMMEDIATE isdiff := false; query := ' select ' || cnames || ' from ' || tblname || '@' || dblink || ' minus ' || ' select ' || cnames || ' from ' || tblname ; tbl_diff(query, ' - local data missed:'); query := ' select ' || cnames || ' from ' || tblname || ' minus ' || ' select ' || cnames || ' from ' || tblname || '@' || dblink ; tbl_diff(query, ' - remote data missed:'); end; end loop; end; / drop database link &prex.lnk; --drop table &prex.comcod; spool off set verify on set feedback on undef prex undef prefx undef a undef thisuser undef b undef REMOTESCHEMA undef REMOTEPASSW undef connstring undef c undef todaysdate