REM * Start the <intra> instance (ORACLE_intra here must be set to <intra>). REM * REM connect internal startup nomount pfile=/opt/oracle/admin/intra/pfile/initintra.ora REM * Create the <dbname> database. REM * SYSTEM tablespace configuration guidelines: REM * General-Purpose ORACLE RDBMS 5Mb REM * Additional dictionary for applications 10-50Mb REM * Redo Log File configuration guidelines: REM * Use 3+ redo log files to relieve ``cannot allocate new log...'' waits. REM * Use ~100Kb per redo log file per connection to reduce checkpoints. REM * create database "intra" maxinstances 8 maxlogfiles 32 maxdatafiles 500 character set "US7ASCII" datafile '/oradata1/intra/intra_system1.dbf' size 300M logfile '/oradata1/intra/intra_log1a.rdo' size 50M, '/oradata2/intra/intra_log2a.rdo' size 50M, '/oradata1/intra/intra_log3a.rdo' size 50M, '/oradata2/intra/intra_log4a.rdo' size 50M;