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Request parameters

Parameter definition is used to define, in particular, the request dynamic parameters.

Editing a parameter name or value is done in a dedicated window. Double-click on a name or value in the parameters table to open the window.

When extracting a form, we may automatically create NeoLoad variables containing the parameter values when the form is submitted. This allows extracting a dynamic parameter in a form and using it in subsequent requests. If, for example, the application frequently uses the same dynamic parameter, we may define a Form Extractor at the parameter first use and use the variable in all the other requests that use that same parameter. This avoids multiplying searches in the server response pages and results in better Load Generator performance.

Parameter Name

The name may contain plain text or a NeoLoad variable. When the Encode name box is checked, the specified name is encoded in MIME application/x-www-form-urlencoded format before being submitted (e.g. spaces are encoded as %20). Clear the check box if the name is already encoded.

Parameter Value

Three options are available for the parameter value:

The extractor to be used can be modified manually using the Edit button. Clicking the button displays the Variable Extractors interface, giving you the additional option of selecting the request on which the extraction should be carried out. If no configuration is applied, NeoLoad offers the option of configuring the extractor automatically. See Variable extractors.

The Add to framework button allows moving the Variable Extractor as a Framework parameter and carrying out a dynamic parameter search. See Concept.

Clicking the Automatic configuration button starts a search for the parameter in the previous requests. NeoLoad searches the previous requests for the parameter value and for the best regular expression to extract it. If one of the tested configurations works, NeoLoad will replace the existing extractor with the one found.
