WebSphere Lombardi Edition 7.2 > Modeling processes > Advanced modeling tasks > Integrate with other systems > Create outbound integrations
Use Lombardi SQL Integration services
To integrate with an external database, you can use the SQL Integration services available in the Lombardi System Data Toolkit. During Lombardi installation, the System Data toolkit is imported into the Process Center repository so that each process application and toolkit that you create has access to Lombardi system data. The System Data toolkit includes SQL Integration services to enable you to easily integrate with external databases.
The SQL Integration services support common database interactions, including support for parameterized queries. In addition, these services can automatically map query results directly into a desired variable type. The SQL Integration services enable you to develop implementations to:
Plus, when passing data between Lombardi and a connected database, the SQL Integration services enable you to specify certain types of data (like integers, BLOBs, and CLOBs).
The SQL Integration services are Java-based integrations that bind to a specific method in the teamworks.SQLConnector Java class. Although you cannot alter the SQL Integration services, you can open them in the Designer in Lombardi Authoring Environment to see the method implemented by each one and the available input and output variables as outlined in the following procedure.
- Open a process application in the Designer in Lombardi Authoring Environment.
- Click the indicator next to the Toolkits category to see a list of toolkit dependencies for the current process application.
- Click the indicator next to the System Data toolkit to see its contents.
Click the Implementation category and then double-click one of the listed SQL services.
For example, double-click the SQL Execute Statement service to open it.
- In the service diagram, click the Java Integration component to select it.
- Click the Definition option in the properties to display the Java Class and method implemented by the service.
- Switch from the diagram view of the service by clicking the Variables tab.
- Click on an Input or Output variable to see its details, such as its type and default values (where applicable).
To use a SQL Integration service in an implementation, you can:
- Select a SQL Integration service as the implementation for an activity
- Nest a SQL Integration service in another service by dragging it from the library to the diagram of the parent service.
Parent topic: Create outbound integrations