WebSphere Lombardi Edition 7.2 > Modeling processes > Configure BPDs
Set the work schedule for a BPD
The settings that you specify for the BPD work schedule enables Lombardi to calculate appropriate timeframes for instance and task due dates, and any other dates required to run instances of the process.
Be aware of the following when establishing the work schedule for a BPD:
- The default work schedule for BPDs is established in the [Lombardi_home]/[process-server|process-center]/config/system/99Local.xml configuration file. If you do not set the work schedule for a BPD, or if you leave the settings at (use default), date calculations for instances of the BPD are based on the <default-work-schedule> in the configuration file.
- For each of the following settings, you can click the JS button if you prefer to use a JavaScript expression with predefined variables to establish the BPD work schedule.
- If you choose to use JavaScript for the following settings, you can enter either a String (or String-generated JavaScript) or JavaScript that returns a TWTimeSchedule or TWHolidaySchedule variable. If you use a String, then Lombardi looks up the schedule by name according to those rules. If you use one of the TWSchedule variables, then Lombardi assumes that the schedule is filled in appropriately. (Go to the System Data toolkit and open the TWTimeSchedule or TWHolidaySchedule variable to view its parameters.)
- You can write a Lombardi service to dynamically set the overall work schedule for a BPD and store the entire work schedule in the TWWorkSchedule variable. The TWWorkSchedule variable includes parameters for timeSchedule, timeZone, and holidaySchedule. Go to the System Data toolkit and open the TWWorkSchedule variable to view its parameters.
- In the Designer in Lombardi Authoring Environment, open the BPD for which you want to establish a work schedule.
Click the Overview tab.
In the Work Schedule section, click the drop-down list for the Time Schedule field to select a timeframe in which work for running instances of this BPD can be completed.
For example, select 9AM-5PM M-F if you want due dates for instances of this process to be calculated using standard business hours.
- Click the drop-down list for the Timezone field to select the time zone that you want to apply to running instances of the current BPD. All standard time zones are available.
For the Holiday Schedule field, you can leave the setting at (use default) or you can click the JS button if you prefer to use a JavaScript expression. Each Holiday Schedule is made up of a list of Dates.
- Save your changes.
Parent topic: Configure BPDs