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Performance Data Warehouse database architecture

Use the Tracking Group tables, the Performance Data Warehouse creates views to make the tracked data externally available for both Lombardi and third-party reports. When you query the Performance Data Warehouse database, you should query the Tracking Group and other views outlined in the following sections.

Tracking Group views

Tracking Group views contain the same data as the Tracking Group tables, which includes a column for each tracked variable and several columns to capture timing and other important task information. The Performance Data Warehouse:

The Tracking Group tables in the Performance Data Warehouse database differ from the views in that they contain all tracked data, including data for those variables that you may have stopped tracking during the lifetime of your process. Only the views are updated when you make such changes to your tracking requirements.

The following general rules apply to how Performance Data Warehouse manages changes to an existing Tracking Group:

When you send tracking definitions from Lombardi Authoring Environment or as part of snapshot installation on a runtime server, Performance Data Warehouse performs a comparison between the updated definitions and the definitions in its tables, and performs the appropriate update action for each change. Unchanged data is not re-sent.

Tracking Group views include the following columns:

Column Description
business data columns One column for each variable in the corresponding Tracking Group. Each column has the same name as the corresponding tracked field.
TRACKING_GROUP_ID The primary key of the Tracking Group to which this entry corresponds. This column links to the TRACKINGGROUPS view.
TRACKING_POINT_ID The primary key of the Tracking Point to which this entry corresponds. This column links to the TRACKINGPOINTS view.
TASK_ID The primary key in the Performance Data Warehouse of the task to which this entry corresponds. This column links to the TASKS view.
FUNCTIONAL_TASK_ID The primary key in the Performance Data Warehouse of the BPD instance to which this entry corresponds. This column links to the TASKS view.
SNAPSHOT The snapshot (version) of the process application or toolkit to which this entry corresponds. If no snapshots exist, a Null value is stored in this column.
ACRONYM The acronym of the process application or toolkit to which this entry corresponds.
TIME_STAMP The date and time at which the corresponding tracking point was traversed.
TIME_STAMP_DAYS TIME_STAMP truncated to days.
TIME_STAMP_WEEKS TIME_STAMP truncated to weeks.
TIME_STAMP_MONTHS TIME_STAMP truncated to months.
TIME_STAMP_QUARTERS TIME_STAMP truncated to quarters.
TIME_STAMP_YEARS TIME_STAMP truncated to years.


This view contains one row for each snapshot defined in the Process Center Console.

The SNAPSHOTS view includes the following columns:

Column Description
SNAPSHOT_ID The primary key of this snapshot in the Performance Data Warehouse.
NAME The name assigned to this snapshot in the Process Center Console.
DESCRIPTION The description given to this snapshot, if one was provided, in the Process Center Console.
ACRONYM The acronym designated for the process application or toolkit that contains this snapshot.

TASKS view

This view contains one row for each task that is executed and an additional row for each BPD instance that is started.

The TASKS view includes the following columns:

Column Description
TASK_ID The primary key of this task in the Performance Data Warehouse.
FUNCTIONAL_TASK_ID The primary key in the Performance Data Warehouse of the BPD to which this entry corresponds. In the case where this row corresponds to the beginning of a BPD instance, it will equal TASK_ID.
CREATION_TIME The date and time that the task was created.
START_TIME The date and time that the task was started. If CREATION_TIME and START_TIME are not equal, the lag indicates that the task was not immediately started by the user.
END_TIME The date and time that the task was finished.
SYSTEM_USER_ID The primary key of the user in the Process Data Warehouse that executed this task.
USERNAME The name of the user who executed this task.
BPDNAME The name of the BPD that triggered this task.
STARTING_PROCESS_ID The primary key in the Process Data Warehouse of the BPD instance that created this task.
ACTIVITY_NAME The name of the Activity that triggered this task.
SYSTEM_TASK_ID The primary key in the Process Data Warehouse of the task. This entry includes a trailing a if the task is an activity.
SYSTEM_FUNCTIONAL_TASK_ID The primary key in the Process Data Warehouse of the BPD instance.
SNAPSHOT The snapshot (version) of the process application or toolkit that triggered this task. If no snapshots exist, a Null value is stored in this column.
ACRONYM The acronym of the process application or toolkit that triggered this task.


This view contains one row for each tracking group defined in Lombardi.

The TRACKINGGROUPS view includes the following columns:

Column Description
TRACKING_GROUP_ID The primary key of the tracking group.
NAME The name assigned to the tracking group in the Authoring Environment.
DESCRIPTION The description of the tracking group if one was provided in the Authoring Environment.
SNAPSHOT The snapshot (version) of the process application or toolkit that contains the Tracking Group. If no snapshots exist, a Null value is stored in this column.
ACRONYM The acronym of the process application or toolkit that contains the Tracking Group.


This view contains one row for every timing interval defined in the Authoring Environment. When autotracking is enabled, Lombardi adds a timing interval for every activity in an autotracked BPD.

The TIMINGINTERVALS view includes the following columns:

Column Description
TIMING_INTERVAL_ID The primary key of this timing interval.
NAME The name assigned to the timing interval in the Authoring Environment. For autotracking timing intervals, this name corresponds to the name of the activity.
DESCRIPTION The description of the timing interval (if one was provided in the Authoring Environment).


A row is recorded in this view each time a timing interval is traversed. When autotracking is enabled, a row is recorded each time an autotracked task is executed.

The TIMINGINTERVALVALUE view includes the following columns:

Column Description
TIMING_INTERVAL_ID The primary key of the timing interval. This column links to the TIMINGINTERVALS view.
START_TRACKING_POINT_ID The primary key of the tracking point that marks the beginning of the timing interval. This column links to the TRACKINGPOINTS view.
END_TRACKING_POINT_ID The primary key of the tracking point that marks the end of the timing interval. This column links to the TRACKINGPOINTS view.
START_TIME The date and time that the timing interval started.
END_TIME The date and time that the timing interval ended.
DURATION The duration of the timing interval in milliseconds.
START_TASK_ID The primary key in the Performance Data Warehouse of the task where this timing interval began. This column links to the TASKS view.
END_TASK_ID The primary key in the Performance Data Warehouse of the task where this timing interval ended. This column links to the TASKS view.
FUNCTIONAL_TASK_ID The primary key in the Performance Data Warehouse of the BPD instance that started this timing interval. This column links to the TASKS view.
START_SNAPSHOT The snapshot (version) of the tracking point that marks the beginning of the timing interval. If no snapshots exist, a Null value is stored in this column.
END_SNAPSHOT The snapshot (version) of the tracking point that marks the end of the timing interval. If no snapshots exist, a Null value is stored in this column.


This view contains one row for every tracked field defined in the Authoring Environment. The TRACKEDFIELDS view includes the following columns:

Column Description
TRACKED_FIELD_ID The primary key of the tracked field.
TRACKING_GROUP_ID The primary key of the tracking group to which this tracked field belongs. This column links to the TRACKINGGROUPS view.
NAME The name assigned to the tracked field in the Authoring Environment. When autotracking is enabled, this entry corresponds to the name of the associated activity.
DESCRIPTION The description of the tracked field (if one was provided in the Authoring Environment).
FIELD_TYPE The type of the tracked field as follows: 0 = string, 1 = number, 2 = date.
SNAPSHOT The snapshot (version) of the process application or toolkit that contains the tracked field. If no snapshots exist, a Null value is stored in this column.
ACRONYM The acronym of the process application or toolkit that contains the tracked field.


A row is recorded in this view when a tracked field from a tracking group is used by a specific tracking point. The TRACKEDFIELDUSE view includes the following columns:

Column Description
TRACKED_FIELD_USE_ID The unique identifier (primary key) for this use of the tracked field.
TRACKING_GROUP_ID The primary key of the tracking group to which this tracked field belongs. This column links to the TRACKINGGROUPS view.
TRACKING_POINT_ID The primary key of the tracking point that uses this tracked field. This column links to the TRACKINGPOINTS view.
TRACKED_FIELD_ID The primary key of the tracked field. This column links to the TRACKEDFIELDS view.
SNAPSHOT The snapshot (version) of the tracking group to which this tracked field belongs. If no snapshots exist, a Null value is stored in this column.
ACRONYM The acronym of the process application or toolkit that contains the tracking group to which this tracked field belongs.


This view contains one row for every tracking point defined in the Authoring Environment. When autotracking is enabled, two tracking points are created for each autotracked activity in order to mark the beginning and end of a task.

The TRACKINGPOINTS view includes the following columns:

Column Description
TRACKING_POINT_ID The primary key of the tracking point.
TRACKING_GROUP_ID The primary key of the tracking group to which this tracking point belongs. This column links to the TRACKINGGROUPS view.
NAME The name assigned to the tracking point in the Authoring Environment. When autotracking is enabled, this entry corresponds to the name of the associated activity.
DESCRIPTION The description of the tracking point (if one was provided in the Authoring Environment).
SNAPSHOT The snapshot (version) of the process application or toolkit that contains the tracking point.
ACRONYM The acronym of the process application or toolkit that contains the tracking point.


A row is recorded in this view each time a tracking point is traversed. When autotracking is enabled, there will be two rows for every task that is executed, because autotracking defines start and end tracking points for each autotracked activity.

The TRACKINGPOINTVALUE view includes the following columns:

Column Description
TRACKING_POINT_ID The primary key of the tracking point. This column links to the TRACKINGPOINTS view.
TASK_ID The primary key in the Performance Data Warehouse of the task that corresponds to this tracking point. This column links to the TASKS view.
FUNCTIONAL_TASK_ID The primary key in the Performance Data Warehouse of the BPD instance that corresponds to this tracking point. This column links to the TASKS view.
TIME_STAMP The date and time at which the tracking point was traversed.
SNAPSHOT The snapshot (version) of the task that corresponds to this tracking point. If no snapshots exist, a Null value is stored in this column.
ACRONYM The acronym of the process application or toolkit that contains the task that corresponds to this tracking point.
TIME_STAMP_DAYS TIME_STAMP truncated to days.
TIME_STAMP_WEEKS TIME_STAMP truncated to weeks.
TIME_STAMP_MONTHS TIME_STAMP truncated to months.
TIME_STAMP_QUARTERS TIME_STAMP truncated to quarters.
TIME_STAMP_YEARS TIME_STAMP truncated to years.


The PROCESSFLOWS view is an implicit tracking group view that captures the following values each time that a line is traversed in a BPD. This view is used primarily for the flow-traversal visualization modes in the Optimizer.

The PROCESSFLOWS view includes the following columns:

Column Description
BPD_ID The unique identifier for this BPD.
BPD_INSTANCE_ID The instance ID of the BPD that is traversing the line.
LOCAL_SNAPSHOT_ID The primary key of the snapshot of the BPD that is traversing the line. This column links to the SNAPSHOTS view.
SEQUENCE_FLOW_ID The external unique ID of this line in the BPD.
SOURCE_EUID The external unique ID of the POST tracking group of the preceding step in the BPD, which is used to match up this flow-traversal with the flow object that it came from.
STEP_NUMBER The current STEP_NUMBER of this BPD instance. STEP_NUMBER is incremented when traversing each flow object's PRE and POST tracking points. Since STEP_NUMBER is not incremented when traversing lines, there should be a tracking point value (in the tracking group specific to the BPD) with a matching STEP_NUMBER and BPD_INSTANCE_ID, whose external unique ID matches SOURCE_EUID.
TRACKING_GROUP_ID The primary key of the tracking group specific to the BPD. This column links to the TRACKINGGROUPS view.
TRACKING_POINT_ID The primary key of the tracking point for this flow-traversal. This column links to the TRACKINGPOINTS view.
TASK_ID The primary key of the task that corresponds to this traversal. This column links to the TASKS view.
FUNCTIONAL_TASK_ID The primary key in the Performance Data Warehouse of the BPD instance that corresponds to this traversal. This column links to the TASKS view.
TIME_STAMP The date and time of this traversal.
SNAPSHOT The snapshot (version) of the task that corresponds to this traversal. If no snapshots exist, a Null value is stored in this column.
ACRONYM The acronym of the process application or toolkit that contains the task that corresponds to this traversal.
TIME_STAMP_DAYS TIME_STAMP truncated to days.
TIME_STAMP_WEEKS TIME_STAMP truncated to weeks.
TIME_STAMP_MONTHS TIME_STAMP truncated to months.
TIME_STAMP_QUARTERS TIME_STAMP truncated to quarters.
TIME_STAMP_YEARS TIME_STAMP truncated to years.


The SLASTATUS view is an implicit tracking group view that tracks the status of each SLA as a result of an SLA roll-up. SLA roll-ups occur periodically to calculate the current state of SLAs based on information in the SLATHRESHOLDTRAVERSALS view. Roll-ups are necessary because many SLA conditions are based on ranges such as the last N days or in the last 2 weeks. Lombardi tracks a new value any time any of the following values change.

The SLASTATUS view includes the following columns:

Column Description
INTERIM This is either Y or N. An SLA status value is interim if it comes from the middle of a condition other than a range. A range is something like the last 5 occurrences or in the last 3 weeks. A non-range condition is something like today. If you have an SLA based on the sum of some metric today, then you want to be able to see the interim values during the day, however when plotting a graph you'd really want to see only the sum at the end of the day. SLAs with non-range conditions always track a non-interim value at the end of the window.
SLA_VALUE The current value of the SLA. This value is only meaningful for SLAs with conditions like SUM(X) over today, in which case the value will hold that sum. In most other cases, this column holds the METRIC_VALUE as of the last traversal.
VIOLATION_LEVEL The violation level of the SLA as follows: a value between 0.0 and 1.0 = unviolated; a value greater than or equal to 1.0 = violated. Wherever possible, the violation level is set to a value above 1.0 to indicate how violated the SLA is. For example, if an SLA measures whether 3 of the last 10 conditions were violated, and 6 of the last 10 conditions were violated, then the violation level would be 2.0.
TRACKING_GROUP_ID The primary key of the Tracking Group to which this entry corresponds. This column links to the TRACKINGGROUPS view.
TRACKING_POINT_ID The primary key of the Tracking Point to which this entry corresponds. This column links to the TRACKINGPOINTS view.
TASK_ID The primary key of the task to which this entry corresponds. This column links to the TASKS view.
FUNCTIONAL_TASK_ID The primary key of the BPD instance to which this entry corresponds. This column links to the TASKS view.
TIME_STAMP The date and time at which the corresponding tracking point was traversed.
SNAPSHOT The snapshot (version) of the process application or toolkit to which this entry corresponds. If no snapshots exist, a Null value is stored in this column.
ACRONYM The acronym of the process application or toolkit to which this entry corresponds.
TIME_STAMP_DAYS TIME_STAMP truncated to days.
TIME_STAMP_WEEKS TIME_STAMP truncated to weeks.
TIME_STAMP_MONTHS TIME_STAMP truncated to months.
TIME_STAMP_QUARTERS TIME_STAMP truncated to quarters.
TIME_STAMP_YEARS TIME_STAMP truncated to years.


The SLATHRESHOLDTRAVERSALS view is an implicit tracking group view that tracks a value whenever an activity with an attached SLA completes. An activity has an attached SLA if there is an SLA with a condition dependent on a metric of that activity.

The SLATHRESHOLDTRAVERSALS view includes the following columns:

Column Description
METRIC_GUID The GUID of the metric referenced in the SLA.
METRIC_VALUE The value of the metric referenced in the SLA.
TARGET_VALUE The value that the metric is compared to in the SLA.
TRACKING_POINT_GUID The GUID of the tracking point corresponding to where this traversal occurred, which is the end autotracking point for the activity.
VIOLATION_LEVEL An indication of how much of a violation this particular occurrence is. This value is only relevant and, thus, populated for greater than SLA conditions, and is basically METRIC_VALUE/TARGET_VALUE.
TRACKING_GROUP_ID The primary key of the Tracking Group to which this entry corresponds. This column links to the TRACKINGGROUPS view.
TRACKING_POINT_ID The primary key of the Tracking Point to which this entry corresponds. This column links to the TRACKINGPOINTS view.
TASK_ID The primary key of the task to which this entry corresponds. This column links to the TASKS view.
FUNCTIONAL_TASK_ID The primary key of the BPD instance to which this entry corresponds. This column links to the TASKS view.
TIME_STAMP The date and time at which the corresponding tracking point was traversed.
SNAPSHOT The snapshot (version) of the process application or toolkit to which this entry corresponds. If no snapshots exist, a Null value is stored in this column.
ACRONYM The acronym of the process application or toolkit to which this entry corresponds.
TIME_STAMP_DAYS TIME_STAMP truncated to days.
TIME_STAMP_WEEKS TIME_STAMP truncated to weeks.
TIME_STAMP_MONTHS TIME_STAMP truncated to months.
TIME_STAMP_QUARTERS TIME_STAMP truncated to quarters.
TIME_STAMP_YEARS TIME_STAMP truncated to years.

Parent topic: Create reports


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