WebSphere Lombardi Edition 7.2 > Administer the Lombardi environments

Customize the Process Admin Console

Administrators can customize Process Admin console for IBM Websphere Lombardi Edition by adding new pages with new functionality or by removing the pages and functions included by default. You can also restrict access to both the pages that you add and the default pages.

Add functions to the Process Admin Console using services

To add pages to the Process Admin console:

  1. Create a service in the Designer in Lombardi Authoring Environment that includes the functionality you want to add.

  2. Click the Overview tab for the service.

  3. From the Exposed As drop-down list, select Administration Service.

  4. Use the Select button (next to Expose To) to choose the participant groups to whom you want to make the administration service available.

    This setting determines which Lombardi users will be able to access the new page in the Admin console.

    When you create or edit participant groups in the Designer, you can define which users are part of those groups.

Remove functions from the Process Admin Console

To remove default pages from the Process Admin console:

  1. Open the [Lombardi_home]\process-server\config\console.xml file.

  2. If the Process Admin console is open in a browser window or tab, close the window or tab.

  3. Find the item that corresponds to the page that you want to remove.

    For example, you may want only your database administrators to perform cleanup of data generated by Lombardi Process Server in the task table and so you decide to remove the Task Cleanup functionality from the Process Admin console. In this case, you need to find the following item:

    <item name="Task Cleanup" link="cs_cleanup.lsw" codeType="JSP"><constraint type="role" value="tw_admins"/></item>

  4. Comment out the item so that the corresponding page is not displayed in the Process Admin console.

    Use the following syntax for comments: <!-- -->

  5. Save the console.xml file.

  6. Open the Process Admin console and log in

    The Task Cleanup page is no longer available.

Restricting access to the Process Admin Console

You can restrict access to both default pages and pages that you add to the Process Admin console.

To restrict access to pages that you add, be sure to select only those Participant Groups that contain the appropriate users when you expose the service

By default, only the internal tw_admins group has access to all pages of the Process Admin console. For each page in the Process Admin console, you can change the access restriction or grant access to additional users...

To grant access to additional users:

  1. Open the [Lombardi_home]\process-server\config\console.xml file.

  2. If the Process Admin console is open in a browser window or tab, close the window or tab.

  3. Find the item that corresponds to the page for which you want to change access restriction.

    For example, you may want to grant users in the internal tw_authors group access to the Process Monitor page. If so, you need to find the following item:

    <item name="Process Monitor" link="cs_processmonitor/summary.lsw" codeType="JSP"><constraint type="role" value="tw_admins"/></item>

  4. Add an additional constraint to the item. For this example, your constraint would be:

    <constraint type="role" value="tw_authors"/>

    So the item now has two constraints as follows:

    <item name="Process Monitor" link="cs_processmonitor/summary.lsw" codeType="JSP"><constraint type="role" value="tw_admins"/><constraint type="role" value="tw_authors"/></item>

  5. Stop and restart the Process Server.

    Any user included in the internal tw_authors group should now be able to log in to the Process Admin console and access the Process Monitor.

To change access restrictions for a particular page, you can remove one of the constraints if multiple constraints exist. You can also change the value of a constraint if you want to change the group of users who can access a page. For example, if you want members of the internal tw_authors group to have exclusive access to the Task Cleanup page, you can change:

<item name="Task Cleanup" link="cs_cleanup.lsw" codeType="JSP"><constraint type="role" value="tw_admins"/></item>


<item name="Task Cleanup" link="cs_cleanup.lsw" codeType="JSP"><constraint type="role" value="tw_authors"/></item>

Parent topic: Introduction


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