WebSphere Lombardi Edition 7.2 > Administer the Lombardi environments > Manage Lombardi Process Servers

Configure access to a secure WebSphere application server

If an ILOG JRules Rule Execution Server or a WebSphere Service Registry and Repository (WSRR) registry is running on a remote WebSphere application server that has security enabled, you need to configure Lombardi Process Server to enable users in Lombardi Authoring Environment to view available rule applications, rule sets, and WSRR services.

Acquiring signer certificate

Follow these steps to acquire the signer certificate from the remote WebSphere application server:

  1. Log in to WebSphere Administration Console for the remote WebSphere application server as an administrator.
  2. Go to: Security > SSL certificate and key management > Key stores and certificates
  3. Select: NodeDefaultTrustStore
  4. Select: Signer certificates
  5. Enable the root option and then select: Extract
  6. Enter the path and file name to which you want to save the certificate and set the Data type to Binary DER data.
  7. Select: OK

Install signer certificate in Lombardi Process Server trust store

Follow these steps to install the signer certificate to the Lombardi Process Server's trust store:

  1. Stop Lombardi Process Server if already running.
  2. Transfer the DER file from the preceding procedure to a file system location that is accessible to the Lombardi Process Server. (For example, you can use a shared drive.)
  3. On the Lombardi Process Server host, go to [Lombardi_home]/AppServer/java/bin and invoke: ikeyman
  4. Select: Key Database File > Open
  5. Set the Key database type to: JKS
  6. Set the Location to: [Lombardi_home]/AppServer/java/jre/lib/security
  7. Set the File Name to: cacerts
  8. Select: OK
  9. Provide a password (the default password is: changeit).
  10. Select Signer Certificates from the drop-down list.
  11. Select: Add
  12. Specify the location of the DER file and select: OK
  13. Enter a label for the certificate and select: OK
  14. Start Lombardi Process Server.

Parent topic: Manage Lombardi Process Servers


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