Time Server
One way to configure a time server on a Linux box is to edit etc/ntp.conf and insert something like the following...
server time.nist.gov prefer...then start the start the ntpd daemon.
Another way is to run the Red Hat dateconfig tool.
Another way to synchronize time is to run:
ntpdate timeserverFor example:
ntpdate tick.redhat.comYou could set the above command to run in cron every hour, to ensure time was accurate.
Custom Time Server
Alias the above server in DNS to point to "time.mn.acme.com", in which case the time server set up in /etc/ntp.conf could point to:
server time.mn.acme.com preferIn windows, if you are running a Primary Domain Controller, you can set the time server by running:
net time \\windowspdc.mn.acme.com /setsntp:"time.mn.acme.com"which will cause all windows workstations in that domain to sync to the time server.