
Use this entry to set a different timeout value for the 'ping' operations.

ping-timeout = timeout


Timeout (in seconds) for sending ping requests to, and reading ping responses from, the junction. The value must be an integer greater than or equal to zero. A value of zero causes WebSEAL to wait indefinitely. If no value is set the standard junction timeout values apply to the ping requests. This configuration item might be customized for a particular junction by adding the adjusted configuration item to a [junction:{jct_id}] stanza, where '{jct-id}' refers to the junction point for a standard junction (include the leading '/'), or the virtual host label for a virtual host junction.

If this entry is not set, it defaults to the value of the http-timeout or https-timeout configuration entries, depending on the type of junction being accessed.



ping-timeout = 30

Parent topic: [junction] stanza