
Use the cache-host-header stanza entry to control whether WebSEAL caches the host and protocol of the original request.

cache-host-header = {yes|no}


By default, when caching an original request, WebSEAL only caches the URL. That is, WebSEAL does not cache the host and protocol of the original request. In this case, when returning a redirect to the original URL, WebSEAL simply redirects to the current host. This causes problems if a request for a protected resource on one virtual host, hostA, results in an authentication operation being processed on a different virtual host, hostB. In this case, the client is incorrectly redirected to hostB rather than hostA. This behavior can be corrected by enabling this stanza entry so that WebSEAL can cache the host and protocol of the original request to be used for redirection.


Usage: Optional

Default: no


cache-host-header = yes

Parent topic: [server] stanza