
Use the attribute_pattern stanza entry to specify the credential attributes that WebSEAL preserves in the failover cookie.

attribute_pattern = add


List of attributes from the original credential that must be preserved in the failover cookie.

The order of entries in the stanza is important. Rules (patterns) that are listed earlier in the stanza take precedence over those entries that are listed later in the stanza. Attributes that do not match any pattern are not added to the failover cookie.



Entries in this stanza are optional.

Default value

There are no default entries in this stanza. However, the attributes AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL and AZN_CRED_AUTH_METHOD are added to the failover cookie by default. We do not need to include these attributes in the configuration stanza.


tagvalue_failover_amweb_session_id = add

Parent topic: [failover-add-attributes] stanza