Password change fails in a multi-domain environment

In a multi-domain environment, WebSEAL can fail to change a user password because of insufficient ACL settings.

WebSEAL does not have correct ACL settings to search the Management Domain information in environments where:

In this situation, WebSEAL cannot successfully change user passwords because of the lack of correct ACL settings.

You must set the correct ACLs so that WebSEAL can search the Management Domain and change user passwords in a multi-domain environment.

The provided procedure is based on the following environment:

We must modify the following steps to use the domain names and locations that match the environment.


  1. Create a file called aclEntry.ldif.

  2. Copy the following contents into the file:

      ##------ START: Do not include this line -----##
         dn: secAuthority=Default,o=ibm,c=us
         changetype: modify
         add: aclentry
         aclentry:group:cn=SecurityGroup,SecAuthority=Domain1,cn=SubDomains, SecAuthority=Default,O=IBM,C=US,O=IBM,C=US:object:ad:normal: rwsc:sensitive:rwsc:critical:rwsc:system:rsc
         aclentry:group:cn=SecurityGroup,SecAuthority=Domain2,cn=SubDomains, SecAuthority=Default,O=IBM,C=US,O=IBM,C=US:object:ad:normal: rwsc:sensitive:rwsc:critical:rwsc:system:rsc
         ##------ END: Do not include this line -------##

  3. Save the file.

  4. Run the following command to update the ACL:

      ldapmodify -h host -p port -D cn=root -w pwd -i aclEntry.ldif

WebSEAL can now successfully change user passwords.

Parent topic: Common problems with WebSEAL servers