REST services for device fingerprint registration

You can use the REST services capability to manage mobile data such as your registered devices. The user must authenticate to use the REST services capability.

REST services usage scenarios

Depending on your usage scenario, type the following URLs into the web page that calls the REST services:

Method URL Request Response Response type
GET https://hostname/mga/sps/mga/user/mgmt/device There is no JSON payload included in the request. {"username": username,  "devices":[{"name":device Name, "id":deviceId, "lastUsedTime":lastUsed Time, "isEnabled": {true |false}}, ....]}

If the request completes successfully, the HTTP response code is 200.

If the request does not complete successfully, the HTTP response is 500.

application /json
GET https://hostname/mga/sps/mga/user/mgmt/device/{deviceId} There is no JSON payload included in the request. {"username": username, "name":deviceName, "attributes":[{"name": attributeName1, "value": attributeValue1}, ... , {"name":attributeNameN, "value":attributeValueN}]}

If the request completes successfully, the HTTP response code is 200.

If the request does not complete successfully, the HTTP response is 500.

application /json
DELETE https://hostname/mga/sps/mga/user/mgmt/device/{deviceId} There is no JSON payload included in the request. {"result": message}

If the request completes successfully, the HTTP response code is 200. If the request does not complete successfully, the HTTP response is 500. One of the following messages is in the JSON response:

  • FBTRBA164E The device device name could not be removed.
  • FBTRBA163I The device device name was removed successfully.

application /json
PUT https://hostname/mga/sps/mga/user/mgmt/device/{deviceId} {"name": "new_name", "isEnabled": {true| false}} {"result": message}

If the request completes successfully, the HTTP response code is 200. The following message is in the JSON response: FBTRBA165I The device <Variable formatSpec="{0}">name</Variable> was updated successfully.

If you give the device an invalid name, the HTTP response code is 400. The following message is in the JSON response: FBTRBA182E The value device name is invalid.

If you give the device a name that belongs to another device, the response code is 400. The following message is in the JSON response: FBTRBA186E A device named '<Variable formatSpec="{0}">device name</Variable>' already exists. 

application /json

Parent topic: Developing for Advanced Access Control