Configure an application server

Configure an application server creates:

We use the SvrSslCfg class to establish an identity for the application server. SvrSslCfg...

To create the ISAM application name, the configuration file, and the keystore file, use the SvrSslCfg -action config from the remote appservr host. Specify whether we are creating or replacing the configuration and keystore files. The -cfg_action create option is used to initially create the configuration and keystore files. Use cfg_action replace if these files already exist. If the -cfg_action create option is used and the configuration or keystore files already exist, an exception is thrown.

ISAM supports application servers in either remote mode or local mode. The following section shows a sample configuration command for each mode.

ISAM uses a self-signed certificate. Authorization API java classes determine the certificate used.

Parent topic: Configure appservers into the domain