Upgrade external databases with the dbupdate tool (for appliance at version and later)

Use the dbupdate tool provided by the appliance to upgrade your external runtime databases, such as DB2, Oracle, and PostgreSQL.

Use this task if your ISAM appliance version is or later. If the appliance version is earlier than, we must first update the appliance and the external database to version using the following methods:

We must have Java version 8 or later to run the database update tool.


  1. In the local management interface, go to System > Secure Settings > File Downloads.
  2. Expand access_control > database.

  3. Select the dbupdate9.zip file. This file contains the database update tool (dbupdate.jar), the README file, and update files for all databases and SQL types.

  4. Click Export.

  5. Save the file.
  6. Extract the dbupdate9.zip file and run the dbupdate.jar tool for the environment.

    • The usage of the tool is as follows:
      ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -jar dbupdate.jar [-t] [-n] 
      <dbType> <sqlType> <connectString> <user> [<password>]

        Enable debug trace output.

        Do not perform any updates, but instead output the update operations that would have been executed.

        The database type. Valid values are config or runtime.

        The database server type. Valid values are db2, oracle, or postgresql.


        The string used when establishing a connection to the database server.

          Typically the database name, used in "db2 CONNECT TO <connectString> USER <user> USING <password>;".

          If the string is not empty, it corresponds to the value used for sqlplus "CONNECT <user>/<password>@<connectString>;". If the string is empty (""), the ORACLE_SID environment variable is used.

          The connectString for PostgreSQL contains the psql command line options that need to be supplied to connect to the database. This usually consists of the hostname, port and database name. For example:
          '--host=<hostname> --port=<port> --dbname=<db name>'

      Database user to update the database with.

      Database user's password. If not provided, the value is read from console.

    For DB2 external databases, the db2 command must be in the path. For Oracle external databases, the sqlplus command must be in the path. For PostgreSQL external database, the psql command must be in the path.

  7. Java 8 or later is required for running the tool.
  8. The following command shows an example of using the tool to update a DB2 database:
    /opt/ibm/java-x86_64-80/jre/bin/java -jar dbupdate.jar runtime db2 
    "HVDB" db2inst1 passw0rd
    The following command shows an example of using the tool to update an Oracle database:
    /opt/ibm/java-x86_64-80/jre/bin/java -jar dbupdate.jar runtime oracle 
    "" SYSTEM passw0rd 

  9. If the tool is not flexible enough for the environment, we can see which commands the tool runs without executing them and manually run those commands to suit the environment. To see which commands the update tool runs against the database, run the tool with the -n option. This option still must be able to read from the database to get the current update versions in order to determine which updates to apply. However, it will not execute any update operations.
  10. See the README file included in the dbupdate9.zip file for more details about the update tool.

Parent topic: Upgrade configuration