server task virtualhost online

Places the server that is at this virtual host junction in an online operational state.

Requires authentication (administrator ID and password) to use.

server task instance-webseald-host virtualhost online [-i server_uuid] vhost_label

The server task virtualhost online command places the server that is at this virtual host junction in an online operational state. The server now resumes normal operation. If a server is not specified, all servers that are at this virtual host junction are placed in an online operational state.



Users and groups that require access to this command must be given the c (control) permission in the ACL that governs the /WebSEAL/host_name-instance_name/@vhost_label object. For example, the sec_master administrative user is given this permission by default.

Return codes

This command is available only when WebSEAL is installed.


In the following example:

There is a requirement to place the server in an online operational state. To determine the UUID of this junctioned server, run the server task virtualhost show command:

pdadmin> server task \
virtualhost show support-vhost-https 
Output is like:
Virtual Host label: support-vhost-https
Type: SSL
Virtual hostname:
Alias: support
Virtual Host junction protocol partner: support-vhost-http
Server 1:
ID: bacecc66-13ce-11d8-8f0a-09267ea5aa77
Server State: running
Operational State: Offline
Port: 443
Server DN: 
Query_contents URL: /cgi-bin/query_contents
Query-contents: unknown
Case insensitive URLs: no
Allow Windows-style URLs: yes
Current requests: 0
Total requests: 1

Place this server in an online operational state using the following command:

pdadmin> server task default-webseald-cruz virtualhost online \
-i bacecc66-13ce-11d8-8f0a-09267ea5aa77 support-vhost-https

See also

server task offline
server task online
server task throttle
server task virtualhost offline
server task virtualhost throttle

Parent topic: pdadmin commands