rsrccred create

Creates a single sign-on credential.

Requires authentication (administrator ID and password) to use.

rsrccred create resource_name rsrcuser resource_userid rsrcpwd resource_password rsrctype {web|group} user user_name

A resource credential is a credential used to identify the authentication information of a user. WebSEAL uses the authentication information when it accesses a back-end web resource or resource group through a GSO-enabled junction. WebSEAL accesses these resources on behalf of that user.

For example, a user dlucas might require the authentication identity 4807ws01 and password pwd4lucas when accessing the engwebs01 web resource that is junctioned through WebSEAL.

A resource credential can be created with this authentication information. Then, WebSEAL automatically uses this information to access the engwebs01 server whenever the user dlucas accesses that resource.


Return codes


  • Create the group resource credential named printerusers for the resource user ID userD4D and password pwd4mjones given to user "Mary Jones":
    pdadmin sec_master> rsrccred create printerusers rsrcuser userD4D rsrcpwd
    pwd4mjones rsrctype group user "Mary Jones"

    See also

    rsrccred delete
    rsrccred modify

    Parent topic: pdadmin commands