
Discards any authentication credentials that are in effect.

Does not require a login or authentication to use.




Return codes


The following example demonstrates the logout command:

  • The following example displays:

    • Context information about the user ID.
    • Context information about the domain ID.
    • Whether the domain is a management domain.

      pdadmin domain1_admin@domain1> context show
      User: domain1_admin
      Domain: domain1
      The user is not logged in to the management domain.
      The following example shows a logout command, and then displays context information after the logout command was issued:
      pdadmin domain1_admin@domain1> logout
      The user has been logged out and credentials have been discarded.
      pdadmin>context show
      No login information.

    See also

    exit or quit
    context show

    Parent topic: pdadmin commands