WebSEAL commands

WebSEAL commands perform management tasks on WebSEAL servers and instances. These commands are available only when WebSEAL is installed. Table 1 lists server task commands.

Command Description
server task add Add an application server to an existing WebSEAL junction.
server task cache flush all Flush the HTML document cache.
server task create Create a WebSEAL junction point.
server task delete Delete a WebSEAL junction point.
server task dynurl update Reload the dynamic URL configuration file.
server task help List detailed help information about a specific server task command.
server task jmt Clear or load the junction mapping table data.
server task list List all junction points on a WebSEAL server or server instance.
server task offline Place the server that is at this junction in an offline operational state.
server task online Place the server that is at this junction in an online operational state.
server task refresh all_sessions Refresh the credential for all sessions for a specified user.
server task reload Reload the junction mapping table from the database.
server task remove Remove the specified installed WebSEAL server or server instance from a WebSEAL junction point.
server task show Display detailed information about the specified WebSEAL junction.
server task terminate all_sessions Terminate all user sessions for a specific user.
server task terminate session Terminate a user session using a session ID.
server task throttle Place the server that is at this junction in a throttled operational state.
server task virtualhost add Add an additional installed WebSEAL server or server instance to an existing virtual host junction.
server task virtualhost create Create a virtual host junction.
server task virtualhost delete Delete a virtual host junction.
server task virtualhost list List all configured virtual host junctions by label name.
server task virtualhost offline Place the server that is at this virtual host junction in an offline operational state.
server task virtualhost online Place the server that is at this virtual host junction in an online operational state.
server task virtualhost remove Remove the specified server from a virtual host junction.
server task virtualhost show Display information about the specified virtual host junction.
server task virtualhost throttle Place the server that is at this virtual host junction in a throttled operational state.
server task server restart Restart the WebSEAL instance.
server task server sync Synchronize the configuration of the supplied WebSEAL authorization server to the current WebSEAL server.
server task file cat Obtain the string content of the specified file. A flag controls whether the contents of the file are base64 encoded or not encoded. A WebSEAL configuration item defines the maximum allowable size of the file.

Parent topic: Commands by category