Resource and resource group commands

Resource and resource group commands manage resource-related information.

Table 1 lists rsrc, rsrccred, and rsrcgroup commands.

Command Description
rsrc create Create and names a server as a resource.
rsrc delete Delete the specified single sign-on resource.
rsrc list Returns a list of all the single sign-on resource names.
rsrc show Display the resource information for the named resource.
rsrccred create Create and names a resource credential.
rsrccred delete Delete only the resource credential information for an existing user.
rsrccred list user Display the names of all defined resource credentials and their type for the specified user.
rsrccred modify Changes the user ID and password resource credential information for the named resource.
rsrccred show Display the resource credential information for a specified user.
rsrcgroup create Create and names a resource group.
rsrcgroup delete Delete the named resource group, including any description information.
rsrcgroup list Display the names of all resource groups defined in the user registry.
rsrcgroup modify Add or removes a single sign-on resource to or from a single sign-on resource group.
rsrcgroup show Display the resource group information for the specified resource group.

Parent topic: Commands by category