Default permissions in the primary action group

Security Verify Access defines permissions with action bits. When we install Security Verify Access, the default primary action group is created. This action group contains 17 permissions. Web Portal Manager divides these permissions into the following categories.

Table 1 shows the action bit in the primaryaction group, a brief description of its associated permission, and its category as shown in Web Portal Manager

Action bit Description of permission Web Portal Manager category
a Attach Base
A Add Base
b Browse Base
B Bypass protected object policy (POP) Base
c Control Base
d Delete Generic
g Delegation Base
l List directory Application
m Modify Generic
N Create Base
R Bypass rule Base
r Read Application
s Server administration Generic
t Trace Base
T Traverse Base
v View Generic
W Password Base
x Execute Application

ISAM provides the capability to define additional permissions for use by resource managers. See Manage action groups.

Parent topic: Action groups and actions