Configure the event pool

Events are passed to subscribed log agents asynchronously from the application-level requests that construct the events. All events enter the common propagation queue before they are forwarded to the subscribed log agents.

The propagation queue is configurable. To configure the propagation queue, define the logcfg stanza entry with EventPool as the category name and specifies the configuration parameters without specifying a log agent. Manage the propagation queue to support the configuration of log agents. For example, limit the amount of memory used to queue events for a remote log agent. To limit the amount of memory used, constrain the propagation queue with the queue_size parameter:

logcfg = EventPool queue_size=number,hi_water=number,
logcfg = category:remote buffer_size=number,path=pathname,

We can define the following parameters for pipe log agents:

Parent topic: Defining logcfg entries