Enable statistics

We can enable statistics reporting with the stats on command or with stanza entries in the configuration file for the specific server.

For details about using stanza entries to enable statistics, see Use stanza entries for statistics.

To enable the gathering of statistics with the stats on command, set the statistics report frequency, event count, and destination for the component. For information about the stats on command, see server task stats.

When we enable statistics, we can specify one log file for the statistics report. If we specify two equivalent commands that differ only on the destination, the second invocation deactivates the first log file and activates the second log file. The following example illustrates this limitation:

#pdadmin> server task default-webseald-abc.ibm.com stats on pdweb.http 20 \
  file path=A.log
#pdadmin> server task default-webseald-abc.ibm.com stats on pdweb.http 20 \
  file path=B.log
The first command enables the pdweb.http component and sends statistics reports to the A.log file. The second command attempts to activate a second log file, B.log. However, this action actually deactivates the A.log file while it also activates the B.log file.

Parent topic: Use stats commands for statistics