Database installation and configuration

IBM Security Identity Manager stores transactional and historical data, including schedules and audit data, in a database. Before installing ISIM Server, configure a database. We can choose to configure IBM DB2 or Oracle. See Hardware and software requirements.


Field name Description Value Your value
Host name Name of the computer hosting the database.    
Port number Database service listening port. 50000, 50002, or 60000  
Database name Name of the ISIM database. itimdb  
Admin ID Database admin user ID
UNIX: db2inst1
Windows: db2admin
Admin password Password for the database admin user ID    
Database user ID Account ISIM uses to log on to the database. itimuser  
Database password Password for the itimuser user ID.    

Before installing the database product

  1. Read the installation information that the database product provides.

  2. Ensure that the environment meets the product hardware and software requirements.

  3. Verify that all required operating system patches are in place.

  4. Ensure that kernel settings are correct for some operating systems, such as the Solaris and Linux operating systems. Each database application specifies its own requirements, such as more operating system values. Before installing the application, read its documentation for these additional settings. For example, Red Hat and SUSErequire kernel settings for DB2.


Parent topic: Installation of prerequisite components