Manage the mail server configuration

Configure button

Reconfigure button

  1. From the top-level menu of the Appliance Dashboard, select Configure > Manage Server Setting > Mail Server Configuration. The Mail Server Configuration page displays the Mail Server Configuration table.

  2. Click Configure.

  3. In the Mail Server Configuration Details window set.

  4. Click Save Configuration to complete this task.

  5. Optional: To reconfigure an existing mail server configuration, do these steps:

    1. From the Mail Server Configuration table, select a record. For example, Mail Configuration.

    2. Click Reconfigure.

    3. In the Edit Mail Configuration Details window, edit the details.

    4. Click Save Configuration.

  6. Optional: To unconfigure an existing mail server, do these steps:

    1. From the Mail Server Configuration table, select a record.

    2. Click Unconfigure.

    3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

Parent topic: Virtual appliance configuration