Monitor WebSphere Application Server jobs on the iSeries server
The WebSphere Application Server for iSeries product is shipped configured to use a single WebSphere instance, the default instance. However, multiple instances are also supported. For more information, see the Create a new instance topic in Administration. This page describes the jobs used by a WebSphere instance and how you can monitor the jobs by using iSeries command language (CL) commands.
WebSphere Application Server jobs
Each WebSphere Application Server instance consists of one or more jobs. These jobs run in the QEJBAS5 subsystem:
A single application server job
The job name is the first 10 characters of the application server name . If the first 10 characters do not provide a valid iSeries job name, the WebSphere Application Server runtime creates a valid job name. If the runtime cannot create a valid job name for the application server, the application server does not start. The default instance is configured with a single application server, server1, whose job name is SERVER1.The WebSphere Application Server provides the run-time environment for server-side Java(TM) components (such as servlets, JavaServer Pages(TM) (JSP(TM)), and enterprise beans). The application server plug-in interfaces with the Web server to handle client requests for server-side resources and route them to the application server for processing.
If the instance is not part of a Network Deployment domain, and the instance is not using embedded JMS, this is the only job started for an instance.
An MQ listener job
If the instance is configured to use the embedded JMS server, this job is used by the embedded JMS provider to establish connections to the embedded JMS server. 17 The job name is QEJBMQLSR. If you are using multiple instances of WebSphere Application Server with embedded JMS enabled, you see a QEJBMQLSR job for each instance.To determine which QEJBMQLSR job is in use by your application server, you can display the joblog for your application server job to see the job information for the QEJBMQLSR job the application server is using. Use the F10 key when displaying the joblog to view all messages. There are several messages indicating the WebSphere MQ jobs that are started and ended before the QEJBMQLSR job is started. The following message is displayed when the WebSphere MQ listener job is started for your application server:
Job 053579/QEJBSVR/QEJBMQLSR started.Alternatively, you can display the joblog for each QEJBMQLSR job. The joblog contains message identifier AMQ7163 which indicates the queue manager name for the listener. The queue manager name contains the name of the application server for which it is listening. For example, the QEJBMQLSR job for the default instance on iSeries server MYISERIES would contain message AMQ7163 with the following information:
WebSphere MQ job 7127 started for WAS_MYISERIES_server1.The last string in the message indicates the node name and server name of the application server.
A node agent job
The node agent job exists only if the instance is managed by a Network Deployment Deployment Manager (in other words, it is part of a Network Deployment domain). The job name for the node agent process is NODEAGENT.If you are using multiple instances of WebSphere Application Server and the instances have been added to a Network Deployment cell, you see one NODAGENT job for each instance.If you are using multiple WebSphere Application Server instances which have been added to a Network Deployment cell, you can determine which NODEAGENT job is for your instance as follows:
- Display the joblog for the NODEAGENT job
- The first message in the joblog contains the instance directory path and the name of the server.
>> CALL PGM(QEJBAS5/QEJBSTRSVR) PARM('-instance' '/QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/Base/ myinstance' '-server' 'nodeagent')The last part of the value specified for the -instance parameter indicates the instance for which the nodeagent is running.
Each WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment instance consists of one job. This job runs in the QEJBASND5 subsystem:
- A Deployment Manager server job
If the instance is a Network Deployment instance, there is a single job for the deployment manager. The job name is the first 10 characters of the application server name for the Deployment Manager. If the first 10 characters do not provide a valid iSeries job name, the WebSphere Application Server runtime creates a valid job name. If the runtime cannot create a valid job name for the application server, it uses the default job name QEJBSVR. The Network Deployment product is shipped configured to use the default instance. The job name for the specialized application server for the default Deployment Manager instance is DMGR.
In addition to the jobs that run in the QEJBAS5 or QEJBASND5 subsystems, WebSphere instances use other jobs:
- If the instance is configured to use the embedded JMS server, these jobs are started in the QMQM subsystem when your application server or node agent server is started:
The joblog for each of these jobs contains a message indicating the queue manager name for the listener. The queue manager name contains the name of the application server for which it is listening. For example, the queue manager name for the default instance on iSeries server MYISERIES is:
WAS_MYISERIES_server1.The last two parts of the queue manager name indicate the node name and server name of the application serverrespectivelyy.
These jobs represent the embedded JMS server and are used to process JMS messages. All of these jobs run in the QMQM subsystem. When the application server job is ended, these jobs are ended also.
If you are using the IBM Developer Kit for Java JDBC driver for database access, your instance uses one or more QSQSRVR jobs that run in the QSYSWRK subsystem. To determine what QSQSRVR job your application server job is using, view the joblog for the server job you are interested in. For each JDBC connection obtained, you see message SQL7908 with message text similar to "Job 163707/QUSER/QSQSRVR used for SQL server mode processing.".
If you are using the IBM Toolbox for Java JDBC driver for database access, your instance uses one or more QZDASOINIT jobs that run in subsystem QUSRWRK.
- Depending on which Web server you are using to serve Web resources, your instance uses jobs from the Web server instance:
IBM HTTP Server (powered by Apache)
Each IBM HTTP Server (powered by Apache) instance consists of two or more jobs that run in the QHTTPSVR subsystem. The name of each job is the same as the name of your HTTP server instance. The WebSphere Application Server Web server plugin code runs in the second job listed (via WRKACTJOB SBS(QHTTPSVR)) for your HTTP server instance.Domino Web Server
Each Domino Web Server instance has a corresponding subsystem in which the jobs for the instance run. The subsystem for the first Web server instance created is DOMINO001, the subsystem for the second web server instance created is DOMINO002, and so on. The WebSphere Application Server Web server plugin code runs in the job named HTTP in the subsystem in which your Web server instance is running.
OS/400 command language (CL) commands for monitoring jobs
Use iSeries command language (CL) commands to monitor jobs that run in your WebSphere Application Server environment. You can view job logs, display message details, and view spooled files associated with the jobs. The job logs and associated spooled files for the jobs can contain valuable information for determining the root of a problem.
Note: For more information on iSeries work management CL commands, see OS/400 Work Management V5R1 (SC41-5306-03) or iSeries Work Management V5R2.
This table lists some iSeries commands that you can use to monitor WebSphere Application Server jobs:
Task iSeries command and description Work with active WebSphere Server jobs WRKACTJOB SBS(QEJBAS5)For WebSphere Application Server V5.0 jobs that run in the QEJBAS5 subsystem.WRKACTJOB SBS(QEJBASND5)For WebSphere Application Server V5.0 jobs that run in the QEJBASND5 subsystem.Work with all jobs with a specific name WRKJOB JOB(job_name)This command lists all jobs, active or not, named job_name. The jobs are listed by date, most recent first.This command is very useful when a WebSphere Application Server job ends abnormally or fails to start successfully, and you wish to view the joblog. For instance, if the application server job is starting and then ending immediately, you could do this to view its joblog:
- Run the command WRKJOB JOB(SERVER1).
- Specify option 1 on the option line next to the first job listed that has a status of OUTQ.
- Specify option 4 (Work with spooled files) on the command line of the Work with Job screen.
- Specify option 5 next to the QPJOBLOG spooled file to view the contents.
Work with a specific job WRKJOB JOB(job_number/job_user/job_name)This command displays the Work with Job screen for the specified job.This command is very useful when you know the fully qualified job information for the job.
View the job log for an active WebSphere server job WRKACTJOB SBS(QEJBAS5)orWRKACTJOB SBS(QEJBASND5)
- Run one of the commands above.
- Enter option 5 (Work with) in the option line next to the active job whose job log you want to view.
- In the Work with Job display, enter option 10 (Display job log, if active or on job queue).
- Press F10 to display all messages.
- In the job log, position the cursor on a message for which you want to display extended message information.
- Press F1 (Help).
Similarly, you can view ended jobs by using the Work with User Jobs (WRKUSRJOB) or Work with Job (WRKJOB) command.
Work with WebSphere server jobs that run under the QEJBSVR user profile WRKUSRJOB USER(QEJBSVR)Delete spooled files for QEJBSVR user profile DLTSPLF FILE(*SELECT) SELECT(QEJBSVR)View the spooled files for a job WRKACTJOB SBS(QEJBAS5)orWRKACTJOB SBS(QEJBASND5)
- Run one of the commands above.
- Enter option 8 (Work with Spooled Files) in the option line next to the active job whose spooled files you want to view.
- Enter option 5 (Display) in the option line next to the spooled file you want to view.
Similarly, you can view ended jobs by using the Work with User Jobs (WRKUSRJOB) or Work with Job (WRKJOB) command.
In addition to sending product messages to the joblogs of WebSphere Application Server jobs, the WebSphere Application Server code can also send the messages to a specified message queue. For more information, see Monitor the WebSphere Application Server jobs through a message queue.