The file synchronization service

WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment uses the file synchronization service to ensure that configuration and applications are consistent for all of the application servers in a Network Deployment cell. File synchronization copies files from the deployment manager to the nodes, and then from the nodes to the application servers. Files are not copied from individual application servers or nodes to the deployment manager. Configuration and application updates should always be made in the deployment manager. Any changes that you make at the node or application server level are overwritten the next time the synchronization service runs.

When you make changes to the configuration of a managed node, it is recommended that you synchronize the configuration with managed nodes. If you do not synchronize the configurations, the nodes use their previous configurations until the next synchronization occurs. You can configure the node agent for a managed node to request configuration synchronization automatically, or you can send a request from the deployment manager to the node agent to synchronize the configurations. By default the node agent is configured to synchronize with the deployment manager every minute.

The synchronization service uses the file transfer service to copy configurations and applications from the deployment manager to the nodes. In WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, Version 5.0.1, the file transfer service provides role-based authentication. The Version 5.0.1 PTF includes two versions of the file transfer Web application:

By default, the unsecured version is installed. After you upgrade all of the application servers in your Network Deployment cell to WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, Version 5.0.1, you can deploy the secured version of the file transfer service. You can run the redeployFileTransfer.jacl script in wsadmin to redeploy the file transfer application. The script is located in the /QIBM/ProdData/WebAS5/ND/bin directory. For information on deploying the secured file transfer application, see Enable authentication in the file transfer service. For information on running wsadmin, see The wsadmin administrative tool.

This list describes the file synchronization service in more detail: