WebSphere status settings

Use the WebSphere Status area of the administrative console to view error and run-time event messages returned by WebSphere Application Server.

The WebSphere Status area displays along the bottom of the console and remains visible as you navigate from the WebSphere Home page to other pages. The area displays two frames: WebSphere Configuration Problems and WebSphere Runtime Messages. Click Previous or Next to toggle between the frames.

Click the icon in the upper-right of the area to refresh the information displayed. You can adjust the interval between automatic refreshes in the Preferences settings.

WebSphere Configuration Problems

Displays the number of workspace files. This frame also displays the number of problems with the administrative configuration for the user ID.

Click on the number to view detailed information on the problems.

WebSphere Runtime Message

Displays the number of messages returned by WebSphere Application Server as well as the number of error messages(x icon), warning messages (! icon), and informational messages (i icon).

Click on the number of messages to view details.