Administrative console areas

Use the administrative console to create and manage resources, applications and servers or to view product messages.

To view the administrative console, ensure that the application server for the administrative console is running. Point a Web browser at the URL for the administrative console, enter your user ID and, if needed, a password on a Login page.

The console has the following main areas, which you can resize as desired:


The taskbar offers options for returning to the console Home page, saving changes to administrative configurations, specifying console-wide preferences, logging out of the console, and accessing product information.

Navigation tree

The navigation tree on the left side of the console offers links to console pages that you use to create and manage components in a WebSphere Application Server administrative cell.

Click on a + beside a tree folder or item to expand the tree for the folder or item. Click on a - to collapse the tree for the folder or item. Double-click on an item in the tree view to toggle its state between expanded and collapsed.


The workspace on the right side of the console contains pages that you use to create and manage configuration objects such as servers and resources. Click links in the navigation tree to view the different types of configured objects. Within the workspace, click on configured objects to view their configurations, run-time status, and options. Click Home in the taskbar to display the workspace Home page, which contains links to information on using the WebSphere Application Server product.

WebSphere Status

The status messages area at the bottom of the console provides information on messages returned by the WebSphere Application Server as to problems in your administrative configuration as well as messages about run-time events. Click Previous or Next to toggle among displays of configuration problems and run-time events.

You can adjust the interval between automatic refreshes in the Preferences settings.