Listener port settings

A listener port is used to simplify administration of the association between a connection factory, destination, and deployed message-driven bean.

Use this panel to view or change the configuration properties of the selected listener port.

To view this administrative console page, click Servers-> application_server-> Message Listener Service-> Listener Ports-> listener_port

Initial state

The state that you want the listener port to have when the application server is next restarted
Data type Enum
Units Not applicable
Default Started


When the application server is next started, the listener port is started automatically.


When the application server is next started, the listener port is not started automatically. If message-driven beans are to use this listener port on the application server, the system administrator must start the port manually or select the Started value of this property then restart the application server.


A description of the listener port, for administrative purposes within IBM WebSphere Application Server.
Data type String
Default Null

Listener port

The name by which the listener port is known for administrative purposes.
Data type String
Default Null

Connection factory JNDI name

The JNDI name for the JMS connection factory to be used by the listener port; for example, jms/connFactory1.
Data type String
Default Null

Destination JNDI name

The JNDI name for the destination to be used by the listener port; for example, jms/destn1.

If the extended messaging service is to use this listener port to handle late responses, the value of this property must match the JMS response destination on the output port used by the sender bean. Also cannot use a temporary destination for late responses.

Data type String
Default Null

Maximum sessions

Specifies the maximum number of concurrent JMS server sessions used by a listener to process messages.

Each session corresponds to a single listener thread, but does not control the number of concurrently processed messages. Adjust this parameter when the machine running the process application does not realize the available capacity and produces less throughput by running long processes.

This parameter helps to add some level of concurrency so that messages are received concurrently before the synchronized part of receiving the message occurs. A 40% increase in throughput is observed in a process application with long running processes on a NetFinity 5500 500 MHz, 4-way, 4GB RAM system.

An alternative to making this change in the administrative console is to change the maximum sessions value in the server.xml file under the listener ports stanza as follows:

<listenerPorts xmi:id="ListenerPort_1" name="bpeIntListenerPort" 
description="Internal Listener Port for Process Choreographer" 
connectionFactoryJNDIName="jms/bpeCF" destinationJNDIName="jms/bpeIntQueue" 
maxSessions="5" maxRetries="10" maxMessages="1">
<stateManagement xmi:id="StateManageable_5" initialState="START" />

Data type Integer
Units Sessions
Default 1
Range 1 through 2147483647
Recommended If message concurrency, that is multiple messages processed simultaneously, is desired, set the value to 2-4 sessions per system processor. Keep the value as low as possible to eliminate client thrashing. If a strict message order is desired, set the value to 4 so there is always a thread waiting in a hot state, blocked on receiving the message.

Maximum retries

The maximum number of times that the listener tries to deliver a message before the listener is stopped, in the range 0 through 2147483647.

The maximum number of times that the listener tries to deliver a message to a message-driven bean instance before the listener is stopped.

Data type Integer
Units Retry attempts
Default 0 (no retries)
Range 0 (no retries) through 2147483647

Maximum messages

The maximum number of messages that the listener can process in one JMS server session.

Adjust this parameter when message order is not a strict requirement. This parameter controls the concurrency level in the listener service.

Data type Integer
Units Number of messages
Default 1
Range 1 through 2147483647
Recommended If message concurrency, that is multiple messages processed simultaneously, is desired, set the value to 2-4 sessions per system processor. Keep the value as low as possible to eliminate client thrashing. If a strict message order is desired, set the value to 1.