Message-driven bean assembly settings

Use this page to configure the assembly properties of message-driven beans

For more information about the effect of JMS properties, such as message selectors and message acknowledgement, see the WebSphere MQ Use Java book, SC34-5456 or Target can be accessed only when this topic is linked to the World Wide Web   Sun's Java Message Service (JMS) specification documentation

The following notebook pages are available:

General properties

Specify general assembly properties for the message bean.

Advanced properties

Specify advanced assembly properties for the message bean.

Bindings properties

Specify bindings assembly properties for the message bean.

  • Listener port name

EJB name

The logical name for the message bean (as an enterprise bean)

The logical name for the message bean (as an enterprise bean). This name must be unique within the EJB module. There is no relationship between this name and the JNDI name.

Data type String

Display name

A short name that is intended to be displayed by graphical user interfaces
Data type String


A description of the message bean, for administrive use
Data type String

EJB class

The full package name of the message bean class

Specify the full package name of the message bean class, for example, You can either type the class name or click Browse to locate an existing class file.

Data type String

Transaction type

Whether the message bean manages its own transactions or the container manages transactions on behalf of the bean

Whether the message bean manages its own transactions or the container manages transactions on behalf of the bean. All messages retrieved from a specific destination have the same transactional behavior. To enable the transactional behavior that you want, configure the JMS destination with the same transactional behavior as you configure for the message bean.

Data type Enum
Default Bean


The message bean manages its own transactions


The container manages transactions on behalf of the bean

Message selector

The JMS message selector to be used to determine which messages the message bean receives

The JMS message selector to be used to determine which messages the message bean receives; for example:

JMSType='car' AND color='blue' AND weight>2500

The selector string can refer to fields in the JMS message header and fields in the message properties. Message selectors cannot reference message body values.

Data type String
Range A String whose syntax is based on a subset of the SQL92 conditional syntax.

Acknowledge mode

How the session acknowledges any messages it receives.

This property applies only to message-driven beans that uses bean-managed transaction demarcation (Transaction type is set to Bean).

Data type Enum
Default Auto Acknowledge

Auto Acknowledge

The session automatically acknowledges a message when it has either successfully returned from a call to receive, or the message listener it has called to process the message successfully returns.

Dups OK Acknowledge

The session lazily acknowledges the delivery of messages. This is likely to result in the delivery of some duplicate messages if JMS fails, so it should be used only by consumers that are tolerant of duplicate messages.

Destination type

Whether the message bean uses a queue or topic destination.
Data type Enum
Default Null


The message bean uses a queue destination.


The message bean uses a topic destination.

Listener port name

The name of the listener port for this message bean.

The name of the listener port for this message bean (as defined on the WebSphere administrative console).

Data type String