Exclude list assembly settings

The exclude list indicates which methods in the enterprise beans may not be called. You should also configure security for the enterprise bean so that access to the listed methods is not permitted.

This capability applies only to Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) Version 2.x-compliant beans. For more information about exclude lists, see the EJB specification.


Provides additional information about this exclude list.

Methods - Name

Specifies the name of an enterprise bean method, or the asterisk (*) character. The asterisk is used to denote all the methods of an enterprise bean's remote and home interfaces.

Methods - Enterprise bean

Specifies the name of the enterprise bean that contains the method.

Methods - Type

Distinguishes between a method with the same signature that is defined in both the home and remote interface. Use Unspecified if the exclusion applies to all methods of a bean.
Data type String
Range Valid values are Unspecified, Remote, or Home

Methods - Parameters

Contains a list of fully qualified Java type names of the method parameters. This setting is used to identify a single method among multiple methods with an overloaded method name.