Method permission assembly settings

A method permission is a mapping between one or more security roles and one or more methods that a member of the role can call. Assembly settings for method permissions include an optional description, a list of security role names, and a list of methods. The security roles must be defined, and the methods must be defined in the enterprise bean's remote or home interfaces.

Method permission name

Specifies a name for the mapping between method permissions and security roles.


Contains text that describes the mapping between method permissions and security roles.

Methods - Name

Specifies the name of an enterprise bean method, or the asterisk (*) character. The asterisk is used to denote all the methods of an enterprise bean's remote and home interfaces.

Methods - Enterprise bean

Specifies the name of the enterprise bean that contains the method.

Methods - Type

Distinguishes between a method with the same signature that is defined in both the home and remote interface. Use Unspecified if a method permission applies to all methods of a bean.
Data type String
Range Valid values are Unspecified, Remote, or Home.

Methods - Parameters

Contains a list of fully qualified Java type names of the method parameters. This setting is used to identify a single method among multiple methods with an overloaded method name.


Specifies whether the method permission is checked before the method is run.

Roles - Role name

Specifies the name of the security role that must be granted in order to call the method.