EJB module assembly settings

An EJB module is used to assemble enterprise beans into a single deployable unit. An EJB module contains one or more enterprise beans and a deployment descriptor.

File name

Specifies the file name of the EJB module, relative to the top level of the application package.

Alternate DD

Specifies a deployment descriptor to be used at run time instead of the one installed in the module.


The path that contains additional classes required by the application that are not contained in the module's archive file. The class loader uses this path. Specify the values relative to the root of the EAR file and separate the values with spaces. Absolute values that refer to files or directories on the hard drive are ignored.

To specify classes that are not in JAR files but are in the root of the EAR file, use a period and forward slash (./). Consider the following example directory structure in which the file myapp.ear contains an EJB module named myejb.jar. Additional classes reside in class1.jar and class2.zip. A class named xyz.class is not packaged in a JAR file but is in the root of the EAR file.


Specify class1.jar class2.zip ./ as the value of the Classpath setting. (Name only the directory for .class files.)

Display name

Specifies a short name that is intended to be displayed by GUIs.


Contains text that describes the module.

EJB client JAR

Specifies the location of a JAR file that contains a subset of deployed classes needed by the client.

Small icon

Specifies the name of a JPEG or GIF file that contains a small image (16x16 pixels). The image is used as an icon to represent the module in a GUI.

Large icon

Specifies the name of a JPEG or GIF file that contains a large image (32x32 pixels). The image is used as an icon to represent the module in a GUI.

Generalizations - Subtype

Information about this property is not available.

This property is an IBM extension to the standard J2EE deployment descriptor.

Generalizations - Supertype

Information about this property is not available.

This property is an IBM extension to the standard J2EE deployment descriptor.

EJB relationships - Name

The logical name for a container-managed relationship between EJB 2.0-compliant entity beans.

Default data source - JNDI name

Specifies the default JNDI name for the data source. This default is used if binding information is not specified in the deployment descriptor for an individual enterprise bean.

Default CMP connection factory

Specifies the JNDI name for a CMP connection factory. This setting is applicable only for EJB 2.x-compliant CMP beans.

Default authorization - User ID

Specifies the default user ID for connecting to an enterprise bean's data store.

Default authorization - Password

Specifies the default password for connecting to an enterprise bean's data store.