Administrative console scope settings
Use Scope settings to filter the contents of an administrative console collection table to a particular cell, node, or server, for example. Changing the value for Scope allows you to see other variables that apply to an object and might change the contents of the collection table.
Click Browse next to a field to see choices for limiting the scope of the field. If a field is read-only, you cannot change the scope. For example, if only one server exists, you cannot switch the scope to a different server.
- Cell
- Limits the visibility to all servers on the named cell.
- Node
- Limits the visibility to all servers on the named node.
- Server
- Limits the visibility to the named server.
The server scope has precedence over the node and cell scopes, and the node scope has precedence over the cell scope. Note that objects are created at only one scope, though they might be visible at more than one scope.