Administer resources for the WebSphere MQ JMS provider



WebSphere MQ provides support for JMS, and can be configured as the JMS provider for your WAS instance. Use this JMS provider in either of these cases:

To configure the WebSphere MQ JMS provider, follow these steps:

  1. Purchase and install WebSphere MQ for iSeries V5.3. This JMS provider does not support earlier versions of MQSeries for iSeries. You must install these licensed programs:

    • 5724B41: WebSphere MQ for iSeries 5.3
    • 5639C34: WebSphere MQ clases for Java and JMS 5.3

  2. Install the latest WebSphere MQ V5.3 PTFs.

  3. If you want to use the JMS publish/subscribe messaging model with the WebSphere MQ JMS provider, provide a publish/subscribe broker. Use WebSphere MQ Event Broker or WebSphere MQ Integrator. These products must be installed on a non-iSeries workstation machine. For information on these products, see the corresponding Web site:

  4. Set the MQJMS_LIB_ROOT variable.

    1. Start the administrative console.
    2. Expand...

      Environment | Manage WebSphere Variables

    3. Specify the node scope and click Apply.
    4. Click MQJMS_LIB_ROOT.
    5. Specify this value for the variable: /QIBM/ProdData/mqm/java/lib.
    6. Click Apply.

    You must restart the application server for this change to take affect.

  5. Before you can configure resources for the WebSphere MQ JMS provider, perform these steps:

    1. Configure and start a queue manager for WebSphere MQ.
    2. If you are using the client transport type for your connection factories, run the Create MQ Channel (CRTMQMCHL) command to define a server-connection channel for the WebSphere MQ queue manager.
    3. Run the Start MQ Command Server (STRMQMCSVR) command to start the command server for the WebSphere MQ queue manager.
    4. Run the Start MQ Listener (STRMQMLSR) command to start a listener for the WebSphere MQ queue manager.

    See the WebSphere MQ for iSeries V5.3 documentation for instructions on configuring these resources.

After you install WebSphere MQ, you can configure resources for the provider.


Configure WebSphere MQ JMS resources

To configure a WebSphere MQ JMS connection factory, follow these steps:

  1. Start the administrative console.
  2. Expand...

    Resources | WebSphere MQ JMS Provider

  3. Click WebSphere MQ Queue Connection Factories or WebSphere MQ Topic Connection Factories.
  4. Click New.
  5. Specify a name and a JNDI name for the resource. You can also specify additional optional properties on this page.

    The CCSID and XA Enabled properties can only be specified if Transport Type property is set to client.

  6. Click Apply.
  7. You can configure these additional properties for the connection factory:

    • Connection Pool
    • Session Pools

  8. Save the configuration.

To configure a WebSphere MQ JMS destination, follow these steps:

  1. Start the administrative console.
  2. Expand...

    Resources | WebSphere MQ JMS Provider

  3. Click WebSphere MQ Queue Destinations or WebSphere MQ Topic Destinations.
  4. Click New.
  5. Specify a name and a JNDI name for the resource. You can also specify additional optional properties on this page.

    • For a queue destination, specify a base queue name.
    • For a topic destination, specify a base topic name.

  6. Click OK.
  7. Save the configuration.


Modify WebSphere MQ JMS resources

To modify a WebSphere MQ JMS resource, follow these steps:

  1. Start the administrative console.
  2. Expand...

    Resources | WebSphere MQ JMS Provider

  3. Click the link for the type of resource that you want to modify:

    • WebSphere MQ Queue Connection Factories
    • WebSphere MQ Topic Connection Factories
    • WebSphere MQ Queue Destinations
    • WebSphere MQ Topic Destinations

  4. Click the name of the resource that you want to modify.
  5. Make your changes and click OK.
  6. Save the configuration.


Remove WebSphere MQ JMS resources

To remove a WebSphere MQ JMS resource, follow these steps:

  1. Start the administrative console.
  2. Expand...

    Resources | WebSphere MQ JMS Provider

  3. Click the link for the type of resource that you want to remove:

    • WebSphere MQ Queue Connection Factories
    • WebSphere MQ Topic Connection Factories
    • WebSphere MQ Queue Destinations
    • WebSphere MQ Topic Destinations

  4. On the page for the type of resource, select the checkbox for the resource that you want to remove.
  5. Click Delete.
  6. Save the configuration.


Configure WebSphere MQ JMS connection pooling

If WebSphere MQ is configured as your JMS provider, you can use the extended messaging service to enable connection pooling for the WebSphere MQ JMS provider. To configure WebSphere MQ JMS connection pooling, follow these steps:

  1. Start the administrative console.
  2. Expand...

    Servers | Application Servers

  3. Click the name of the application server for which you want to configure WebSphere MQ JMS connection pooling.
  4. Click Message Listener Service properties.
  5. Click Custom Properties and add these properties:

    • Name: mqjms.pooling.threshold
      Value: The maximum number of unused connections in the pool.
    • Name: mqjms.pooling.timeout
      Value: The timeout in milliseconds for unused connections in the pool.

  6. Click OK.
  7. Save the configuration.


See also