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PUMA User and group management

Portal User Management Architecture (PUMA) provides interfaces for accessing the profile of a portal user or group. The getObjectID() method from the com.ibm.portal.Identifiable interface returns the ObjectID of a user or group in the portal user registry.

Before the portlet can use these provider objects, it must first retrieve the appropriate home interface, depending on the type of application.

Examples of how these interfaces are retrieved are provided in the accompanying Javadoc documentation. The following example shows how a standard portlet would obtain the identifier of a User as a String.

Note: Because PumaProfile, PumaLocator and PumaController store the current user, we must not store these objects in a session or anywhere else. But we can retrieve them from PumaHome each time we use them. PumaHome, however, can be stored. The following sample shows how a standard portlet would do a standard search for reading and writing attributes:

The following sample shows how to do a paged search: