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Task refresh-page-layout

Use this configuration task to refresh the page layout for all pages assigned a given page layout template.

Description: Run this task if we have manually modified page layout template files stored in the folder layout-templates of the portal file store and we want those changes to be reflected on existing pages. The task reads the data of a specific page layout template from the portal file store and update all pages that are currently assigned that page template accordingly. Depending on the number of page affected, this task can run for a several minutes.

Assumptions/Prerequisites: HCL WebSphere Portal is running. The execution of this task requires that the portal is running. If the portal is not running, the task starts the portal. Usage: Reference the layout template by its file store URI, for example as follows:

Note: Make sure to provide the full URI here, especially if the URI has a trailing slash ( / ).We can execute the task in synchronous or asynchronous manner. If you execute it asynchronously, the configuration task completes immediately after starting a corresponding asynchronous system task. We can use this mode to avoid timeout problems that might occur if a high number of pages are to be refreshed. The completion of the system task is indicated by a corresponding message in the file SystemOut.log. Under z/OS we can run the task by either of the following two options:

Syntax: Start this task as part of the ConfigEngine script file as follows:

Mandatory parameters to be specified on the command line or in the file wkplc.properties:

Mandatory parameter to be specified on the command line only:

Optional parameters to be specified on the command line only:


Parent topic: Manage pages portlets