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proc uninstallApp {appName} {
  global AdminControl
  global AdminConfig
  global AdminApp

### Kludge - fix later...

#set xappname [$AdminApp view $appName]

#  if {[llength $xappname] == 0} {
#     puts "App $xappname not found..."
#  } else {

     puts "Uninstall application - $appName"
     $AdminApp uninstall $appName
     $AdminConfig save

# }


proc appinstall {cellName clusterName earFile appName} {

  global AdminApp
  global AdminControl
  global AdminConfig

puts "Params: $cellName $clusterName $earFile $appName"

  ### Do some sanity checking 
  ###   - Do we have a clusterName by this name? 

  set cname [$AdminControl getCell]

  set earfile $earFile
  puts "earfile:  $earFile"

  set nameopt [list -appname $appName]
  append opts " " $nameopt 
  lappend opts -cluster $clusterName
  lappend opts -preCompileJSPs

  puts " "
  puts "Installing $earfile using $opts"

  $AdminApp install $earfile $opts

  $AdminConfig save

   ### For each node, invoke a sync if necessary
   ###     -- Is a nodeSync MBean available on this node?
   ###     -- Find out if serverStartupSyncEnabled is true for this node
   ###        If this attribute is set to "false" we have to perform a sync.
   ###        If we do not, the node we are installing on may have an out-of-date
   ###        copy of the config data.

   set cells [$AdminConfig list Cell]

   foreach cell $cells {

       set cname [$AdminConfig showAttribute $cell name]

       set nodes [$AdminConfig list Node $cell]

       puts " "
       puts "Cell: $cname"

       foreach node $nodes {

          set nodeName [lindex [lindex [$AdminConfig show $node {name}] 0] 1]

          puts $nodeName
          if {($nodeName == "host2CellManager01")} {
            puts "node = $node"

          puts "Checking for the existence of a NodeSync MBean on node $nodeName"

          set sync1 [$AdminControl completeObjectName type=NodeSync,node=$nodeName,*

          if {[llength $sync1] == 0} {
             puts "NodeSync MBean not found for name $nodeName"

          puts "NodeSync MBean found for name $nodeName"

          set enabled [$AdminControl getAttribute $sync1 serverStartupSyncEnabled]

          if {[string compare $enabled "false"] == 0} {
             puts "Invoking synchronization for node $sync1 because serverStartupSyn
cEnabled is set to false..."
             $AdminControl invoke $sync1 sync
             puts "Done with synchronization."



### Cellname: Cell01
if { !($argc == 4) } {
   puts ""   
   puts "Usage:  "   
   puts " "   
   puts "wsadmin.sh -f App_Install.jacl cellName clusterName earFile appName" 
} else { 
   set cellName      [lindex $argv 0]  
   set clusterName    [lindex $argv 1]  
   set earFile	     [lindex $argv 2]
   set appName		 [lindex $argv 3]
   ## First, try to uninstall the appliction 
   uninstallApp $appName

   ## Second, install the appliction
   appinstall $cellName $clusterName $earFile $appName