< PreviousModify the Aurora starter store to display the custom data
In this lesson, you customize the Aurora starter store to display the customer ratings information for catalog entries.
- If we are customizing a local store, in the Enterprise Explorer view, expand Stores > WebContent > widgetdir > Common > CatalogEntry. For crsServer stores, in the Enterprise Explorer view, expand crs-web > WebContent > widgetdir > Common > CatalogEntry > .
- Open the CatalogEntryDisplay_GridView_UI.jspf file for editing.
- Locate the <div class="product_info"> section within the file.
- Add the following code within this element after the code that defines the <div class="product_name"> element.
<c:choose> <c:when test="${!empty catalogEntryDetails.UserData[0].x_customerRanking}"> <div> <c:out value="Rating : ${catalogEntryDetails.UserData[0].x_customerRanking}"/> </div> </c:when> <c:otherwise> <div> <c:out value="Rating : N/A"/> </div> </c:otherwise> </c:choose>
- Save and close the file.
- Open the storefront in a web browser. Search for the keyword "dress". Within the search results, the product ratings should display for the catalog entries that include a rating. The keyword "dress" is used as an example in this tutorial. The search term that you need to use might vary depending on the customized data that you added.
If the ratings data displays in the storefront search results correctly, our customization is successful. We can now deploy our customization to your production environment. < Previous