Populating the store's bootstrap data into the database
We can populate the store's bootstrap data into the database by using a Data Load scheduler job and over SFTP.
About this task
After running the Gradle script, all required generated data is saved to the WCDE_installdir/storepublish/generateData directory. In this task, you will populate this data into the database by performing a one-time scheduler job. Then, we can leverage SFTP and the scheduler job to periodically populate the store's data.
- Configure the remote store Data Load utility scheduler job
We can use the WebSphere Commerce Administration Console to schedule a Data Load utility job for the site.- Adding a remote store SFTP transport
Configure the SFTP transport method in the WebSphere Commerce Administration Console. Doing so allows us to work with the remote store Data Load utility scheduler job to periodically retrieve and apply changes to frequently-updated data.
Previous topic: Creating our custom store in your programming environment