Index Load

Index Load is an indexing service that uses the Data Load framework to load data in parallel into one or more search extension indexes.

Index Load is used to populate contract prices when performance reasons require that the site use a separate Price extension index. For example, use Index Load with a Price extension index if the site contains more than 1000 contracts, or if we use an external source to populate prices. Index Load provides the following benefits over populating the catalog entry index with price data:

Index Load uses profiles to control the indexing behavior and characteristics for a search extension index. Index Load profiles are defined in the Index Load configuration file.

When you call Index Load, we can pass a profile name through a URL parameter named profile. The value of the profile parameter is used to resolve the actual file name to be loaded from the predefined configuration directory. Both the pattern name and Index Load configuration directory are defined as servlet initialization parameters in the web.xml of the Index Load servlet (SolrIndexLoadServlet).

Tuning Index Load contains more detailed information on how data flows through the multi-threaded indexing application and which tuning parameters can be used. The following diagram shows a high-level overview of Index Load.

Where Index Load contains the following components:


Be aware of the following Index Load limitation: