CorePaymentActions XML file

The CorePaymentActions.xml file defines the payment actions required to move the payment from the current state to the required targeted state.

Possible payment actions are: Approve, Deposit, ReverseApproval, ConsumeAmount, and Error. The CorePaymentActions.xml file defines each of these target states:

This file is located in the following directory:

The paymentConfiguration_name is defined in PaymentMethodConfigurations.XML file

Note: Only one CorePaymentActions.xml file should exist for every payment configuration named in the PaymentMethodConfigurations.xml file.

If we are a writing a payments plug-in and need to connect with a payment back-end system, IBM recommends that you become familiar with this file.

The markup within each of these elements defines the action that should be taken to move the payment object from its current state to the target state when the current state of the payment is one of the following states: DNE (Does not exist), APPROVED, or DEPOSITED.

The following example of a CorePaymentActions.xml file shows core behaviors being configured for the valid target states that can exist in an payment rules configuration for payment actions. For an explanation of the elements and attributes used in the example, see the section that follows the example. Figure 1. Example


Example explanation

In the example shown, the TargetDNE section contains the following elements:

In the example, the TargetApproved section contains:

In the example, the TargetDeposited section contains the following elements.

Figure 2. Cumulative deposit. In this configuration, there is no financial transaction that will take place with a payment back-end system (the action is ConsumeAmount and not a Deposit action). Instead, the system updates the payment amount internally for the business phase to know how much of the payment is being consumed.

Figure 3. Noncumulative deposit with an Approve action and Deposit action in separate calls.. In this configuration, the existing approval amount is reversed. Two separate approvals will occur and a deposit. No approval amounts will expire in the payment back-end system.

Figure 4. Noncumulative deposit with an Approval and Deposit action in one call. In this configuration, the existing approval amount is reversed. An Approve and Deposit action occurs at the same time. An additional approval action will occur. No approval amounts expire in the payment back-end system.

Examples Figure 3 and Figure 4 show more than one action or financial transaction taking place. If we are using the SimpleOfflinePlugin payment plug-in and have configured the SimpleOfflinePlugin.xml file to keep transactions in a pending state for manual intervention, we cannot use these examples because each action will require a manual approval. We can minimize the number of actions requiring manual intervention by using example 2 instead.

Related concepts
Payment actions
Payment rules engine