Migrating the WebSphere Commerce Version 7 Feature Pack 8 Aurora store web project

To migrate your Feature Pack 8 store to WebSphere Commerce Version, export your Stores project from your Feature Pack 8, then import the project into the WebSphere Commerce Version development environment. Next, configure your imported store project for WebSphere Commerce Version The store migration process involves exporting the following assets as archive files, and then importing the archive files:

Stores that are migrated from version 7.0 or version 8.0 to version 9.0, are deployed to the WebSphere Commerce Version 9 Transaction server, where they serve live traffic. Stores that are created on version 9.0 follow the new programming model and are deployed to a separate Store server. For more information about creating a store on version 9.0, see Creating our custom store.

Before beginning


  1. Export the Stores dynamic web project from your Feature Pack 8 development environment workspace.

    1. Open your Feature Pack 8 development environment workspace, then open the J2EE perspective.

    2. From the Enterprise Explorer view, right-click the Stores project, then click Export > Export.... The Export window appears.

    3. Expand the General folder, then click Archive File > Next.

    4. Under the Stores directory, clear the Stores check box, and select the following subdirectories.

      • WebContent

      • src

    5. Ensure the Create only selected directories option is selected.

    6. Click Browse and define a path where the archive file is to be exported.

    7. Under Options, ensure that the following export option is defined.

      • Create only selected directories

    8. Click Finish. A Stores.zip file is created and is ready to be imported into the WebSphere Commerce Version development environment.

    9. Copy the exported Stores.zip file to the WebSphere Commerce Version development environment.

  2. Importing our custom project.

    1. Open the WebSphere Commerce Version development environment workspace, and then open the Java EE perspective.

    2. From the Enterprise Explorer view, right-click the Stores project, then click Import > Import.... The Import window appears.

    3. Expand the General folder, then click Archive File > Next.

    4. Click Browse, then select the Stores.zip file that you exported from your Feature Pack 8 development environment.

    5. Click the Overwrite existing resources without warning check box.

    6. Click Finish.

  3. Manually copy all the directories and files in the following path from your Feature Pack 8 development environment to the same path on WebSphere Commerce Version development environment:

    Where store_dir is the directory name for the store.

  4. Review the following files to ensure that the database configuration is correct. Edit each file if necessary.

    • WCDE_installdir/workspace/WC/META-INF/ibmconfig/cells/defaultCell/applications/defaultApp/deployments/defaultApp/resources.xml

    • Liberty_installdir/usr/servers/searchServer/configDropins/overrides/datasources.xml

    • WCDE_installdir/workspace/WC/META-INF/ibmconfig/cells/defaultCell/security.xml

  5. Remove the nonexistent filter in your web.xml file.

    1. Open the following file for editing.

    2. Remove the following block of code.

            <servlet-name>Stores Request Servlet</servlet-name>

    3. Save and close the file.

  6. Remove the remote store configuration from your foundation wc-component.xml file.

    1. Open the following file for editing.

      • workspace_dir/WC/xml/config/com.ibm.commerce.foundation/wc-component.xml

    2. Remove the following block of code.

        <_config:configgrouping name="RemoteStoreConfiguration">
            <!-- value to remote store web host name -->
            <_config:property name="wc.store.remote.webHostName" value="store"/>
            <!-- value to remote store web host HTTP port number -->
            <_config:property name="wc.store.remote.webNonSSLPort" value="8080"/>
            <!-- value to remote store web host HTTPS port number -->
            <_config:property name="wc.store.remote.webSSLPort" value="8443"/>
            <!-- value to remote store context root -->
            <_config:property name="wc.store.remote.webContextPath" value="/shop"/>
            <!-- value to remote store preview context root -->
            <_config:property name="wc.store.remote.previewContextPath" value="/webapp/remote/preview/servlet"/>
            <!-- value to kafka servers connection string -->
            <_config:property name="wc.store.remote.kafka" value=""/>
            <!-- value to kafka servers topic prefix -->
            <_config:property name="wc.store.remote.kafka.topicPrefix" value="sampleprefix"/>
            <!-- value to remote store web alias -->
            <_config:property name="wc.store.remote.webAlias" value="/wcsstore"/>
            <!-- value to remote store app host name (used for invoking email JSPs in remote store) -->
            <_config:property name="wc.store.remote.appHostName" value="localhost"/>
            <!-- value to remote store app host HTTPS port number (used for invoking email JSPs in remote store) -->
            <_config:property name="wc.store.remote.appSSLPort" value="8443"/>

    3. Save and close the file.

  7. Update your struts-config.xml file.
    In WebSphere Commerce Version, URLs based on HTTP protocol are no longed supported, which might cause some users to encounter problems where category pages fail to load after they log in to your store.

    1. Open the /Stores/WebContent/WEB-INF/struts-config.xml file for editing.

    2. Locate the following property.

        <set-property property="https" value="0:0"/>

    3. Update the value from "0:0" to "0:1". Your updated code appears as follows.

        <set-property property="https" value="0:1"/>

    4. Save and close the file.

  8. In WebSphere Commerce Version 9, all services use HTTPS. The stores project that you imported into WebSphere Commerce Version 9 might still use HTTP values. Review the following files, and change any value="http: code to value="https:.

    Note: Skip any files that do not exist.

    • /Stores/WebContent/AuroraB2BStorefrontAssetStore/Common/EnvironmentSetup.jspf

    • /Stores/WebContent/AuroraStorefrontAssetStore/Common/EnvironmentSetup.jspf

    • /Stores/WebContent/Widgets_701/Common/EnvironmentSetup.jspf

    • /Stores/WebContent/Widgets_801/Common/EnvironmentSetup.jspf

  9. Convert number values to string values using the fn:trim () function within your <c:if test> JSP tags.

    Base classes within the JSP tag library differ between Feature Pack 8 and WebSphere Commerce Version If your Feature Pack 8 JSP files use the <c:if test> tag to evaluate expressions, we must update those JSP files in WebSphere Commerce Version to use the fn:trim () function. In some of your JSP files, we might compare a string to a number. The underlying WebSphere Commerce Version logic tries to convert the string to a number before comparing them. If there are non-numeric characters in the string, a conversation error is reported. The fn:trim () function forcibly converts strings to numbers before they are compared by WebSphere Commerce Version logic. The following code example shows <c:if test> tag without the fn:trim () function within the /Stores/WebContent/AuroraStorefrontAssetStore/Container/SubCategoryPageContainerWithTabs.jsp file:

      <c:if test="${childWidget.slot.internalSlotId == slotNumber && !foundCurrentSlot}">

    The following code example shows <c:if test> tag with the fn:trim () function added within the /Stores/WebContent/AuroraStorefrontAssetStore/Container/SubCategoryPageContainerWithTabs.jsp file:

      <c:if test="${childWidget.slot.internalSlotId == fn:trim(slotNumber) && !foundCurrentSlot}">

    Notice how the fn:trim () function is applied to slotNumber value.

    1. From the WebSphere Commerce Version development environment, open the following Search result page JSP files.

      • /Stores/WebContent/AuroraStorefrontAssetStore/Container/SubCategoryPageContainerWithTabs.jsp

      • /Stores/WebContent/AuroraB2BStorefrontAssetStore/Container/SubCategoryPageContainerWithTabs.jsp

    2. Locate the following line of code in each file.

        <c:if test="${childWidget.slot.internalSlotId == slotNumber && !foundCurrentSlot}">

    3. Update the lines of code by adding the fn:trim () function to the slotNumber values, as illustrated in the following code example.

        <c:if test="${childWidget.slot.internalSlotId == fn:trim(slotNumber) && !foundCurrentSlot}">

    4. Save and close the files.

    5. Open the following Product detail page JSP files.

      • /Stores/WebContent/AuroraStorefrontAssetStore/Container/ProductPageContainer.jsp

      • /Stores/WebContent/AuroraB2BStorefrontAssetStore/Container/ProductPageContainer.jsp

    6. Locate the following line of code in each file.

        <c:if test="${childWidget.slot.internalSlotId == slotNumber && !foundCurrentSlot}">

    7. Update the lines of code by adding the fn:trim () function to the slotNumber values, as illustrated in the following code example.

        <c:if test="${childWidget.slot.internalSlotId == fn:trim(slotNumber) && !foundCurrentSlot}">

    8. Save and close the files.

    9. Open the following Register page JSP file.

      • /Stores/WebContent/Widgets_701/com.ibm.commerce.store.widgets.AddressForm/AddressForm_UI.jspf

      • /Stores/WebContent/Widgets_801/com.ibm.commerce.store.widgets.AddressForm/AddressForm_UI.jspf

      • /Stores/WebContent/Widgets_701/com.ibm.commerce.store.widgets.OrganizationUserInfo/UserInfoUI/UserDetailsForm_UI.jspf

      • /Stores/WebContent/Widgets_801/com.ibm.commerce.store.widgets.OrganizationUserInfo/UserInfoUI/UserDetailsForm_UI.jspf

    10. Locate the following line of code.

        <c:if test="${language.localeName == preferredLanguage || language.languageId == preferredLanguage }">

    11. Update the line of code by adding the fn:trim () function to the slotNumber value, as illustrated in the following code example.

        <c:if test="${language.localeName == fn:trim(preferredLanguage) || language.languageId == preferredLanguage }">

    12. Save and close the file.

  10. Update the definitions associated with EJB in your GlobalLoginOrganizationAndContract_UI.jspf file.

    1. Open the following file for editing.

      • /Stores/WebContent/Widgets_701/com.ibm.commerce.store.widgets.GlobalLogin/GlobalLoginOrganizationAndContract_UI.jspf

    2. Replace all instances of organizationIdInEJBType with organizationId.

    3. Save and close the file.

  11. Feature Pack 8 and WebSphere Commerce Version differ in the way they generate and analyze SKU lists in JSON data. To account for this difference, we must update specific JSP and JSPF files.

    1. Open the following files for editing.

      • /Stores/WebContent/AuroraStorefrontAssetStore/ShoppingArea/CatalogSection/CatalogEntrySubsection/ProductDisplay.jsp

      • /Stores/WebContent/AuroraB2BStorefrontAssetStore/ShoppingArea/CatalogSection/CatalogEntrySubsection/ProductDisplay.jsp

      • /Stores/WebContent/Widgets_701/com.ibm.commerce.store.widgets.PDP_DefiningAttributes/DefiningAttributes_Data.jspf

      • /Stores/WebContent/AuroraStorefrontAssetStore/Widgets/CompareProduct/CompareProduct_UI.jspf

      • /Stores/WebContent/AuroraB2BStorefrontAssetStore/Widgets/CompareProduct/CompareProduct_UI.jspf

    2. In each file, locate the following lines.

        <c:set var="replaceStr" value='\\\\"'/>
        <c:set var="replaceStr01" value="\\\\'"/>

    3. Update the value from value='\\\\"' to value='\\"'. The following example shows how the code looks after your update.

        <c:set var="replaceStr" value='\\"'/>
        <c:set var="replaceStr01" value="\\'"/>

    4. Save and close the files.

  12. Update your RegistrationUpdateCommonPage.jsp file to resolve a potential WebSphere Commerce Version parsing error that occurs when the Personal information page loads.

    1. Open the following files for editing.

      • /Stores/WebContent/AuroraStorefrontAssetStore/UserArea/AccountSection/RegistrationSubsection/RegistrationUpdateCommonPage.jsp

      • /Stores/WebContent/AuroraB2BStorefrontAssetStore/UserArea/AccountSection/RegistrationSubsection/RegistrationUpdateCommonPage.jsp

    2. Around line 40, add the following block of code to the variable section.

        <c:set var="personSession" value="${requestScope.personSession}"/>
        <c:if test="${empty personSession || personSession==null}">
            <wcf:rest var="personSession" url="store/{storeId}/person/{personId}" scope="request">
                <wcf:var name="storeId" value="${WCParam.storeId}" encode="true"/>
                <wcf:var name="personId" value="${userId}" encode="true"/>

    3. Around line 120, locate the following line of code.

        <fmt:param><fmt:formatDate type="both" dateStyle="long" value="${CommandContext.user.lastSessionInEJBType}"/></fmt:param

    4. Update the line of code with the following.

        <fmt:param><c:out value="${personSession.lastSession}"/></fmt:param>

    5. Save and close the files.

  13. Update specific JS and CSS files to account for errors when a user cancels recurring and subscriptions orders.

    1. Open the following files for editing.

      • /Stores/WebContent/AuroraStorefrontAssetStore/javascript/UserArea/MyAccountDisplay.js

      • /Stores/WebContent/AuroraB2BStorefrontAssetStore/javascript/UserArea/MyAccountDisplay.js

    2. Around line 719, add the following line of code.

        params["orderId"] = "null";

      The following example shows how the code looks after your update.

        /*For Handling multiple clicks. */
        var params = [];
        params["orderId"] = "null";
        params["subscriptionId"] = subscriptionId;
        params["URL"] = "";
        params["storeId"] = MyAccountServicesDeclarationJS.storeId;
        params["catalogId"] = MyAccountServicesDeclarationJS.catalogId;
        params["langId"] = MyAccountServicesDeclarationJS.langId;
        wc.service.invoke("AjaxCancelSubscription", params);

    3. Save and close the files.

    4. Open the following files for editing.

      • /Stores/WebContent/AuroraStorefrontAssetStore/css/legacy1_1.css

      • /Stores/WebContent/AuroraStorefrontAssetStore/css/legacy1_1_rtl.css

      • /Stores/WebContent/AuroraB2BStorefrontAssetStore/css/legacy1_1.css

      • /Stores/WebContent/AuroraB2BStorefrontAssetStore/css/legacy1_1_rtl.css

    5. Around line 3750, locate the following line of code.

        background-image: url('../images/colors/color1/popup_center_tile_sm.png');

    6. Change the code to the following.

        background-image: url('../images/colors/color1/popup_center_tile_mini.png');

    7. Save and close the files.

  14. Update your JSPF files so users can click the subscribe link on your storefront.

    1. Open the following files for editing.

      • /Stores/WebContent/AuroraB2BStorefrontAssetStore/Common/JSTLEnvironmentSetupExtForRemoteWidgets.jspf

      • /Stores/WebContent/AuroraStorefrontAssetStore/Common/JSTLEnvironmentSetupExtForRemoteWidgets.jspf

      • /Stores/WebContent/Widgets_701/Common/JSTLEnvironmentSetupExtForRemoteWidgets.jspf

    2. In each of the files, locate and remove the following code.

        <c:when test="${!empty restNonSSLPort}">
            <c:set var="restURLPort" value="${restNonSSLPort}" scope="request"/>
            <c:set var="restURLScheme" value="http" scope="request"/>

    3. Save and close the files.

  15. Update your payments and billing JSPF files to handle the Apple Pay payment method.

    1. Open the following files for editing.

      • /Stores/WebContent/AuroraStorefrontAssetStore/ShoppingArea/CheckoutSection/CheckoutPaymentsAndBillingAddress.jspf

      • /Stores/WebContent/AuroraB2BStorefrontAssetStore/ShoppingArea/CheckoutSection/CheckoutPaymentsAndBillingAddress.jspf

    2. Around line 500, locate the following code.

        <c:if test="${currentPaymentMethodName != 'PayInStore' && currentPaymentMethodName 
        != 'CompatiblePayment' && (currentPaymentMethodName ne 'SimplePunchout' or (currentPaymentMethodName 
        eq 'SimplePunchout' and punchoutPaymentAllowed))}">

    3. Update the code by adding currentPaymentMethodName != 'ApplePay' method. The following example shows how the code looks after your update.

        <c:if test="${currentPaymentMethodName != 'ApplePay' && currentPaymentMethodName 
        != 'PayInStore' && currentPaymentMethodName != 'CompatiblePayment' && 
        (currentPaymentMethodName ne 'SimplePunchout' or (currentPaymentMethodName eq 'SimplePunchout' 
        and punchoutPaymentAllowed))}">

    4. Save and close the files.

  16. Update your STORECONF table with your extended sites store IDs.

    1. Open a command prompt to the WebSphere Commerce Version development database.

    2. Run the following SQL command to retrieve the store IDs for our specific type of store:

        select store_id from store where directory in ('store_name');


        The base name of the store, for example, AuroraESite.

    3. For each extended site store ID retrieved, insert a corresponding record into your STORECONF table.

        Insert into storeconf values(STOREENT_ID, 'wc.store.isRemote','0',0);


        The ID of the store that you retrieved from the previous SQL command.

  17. If we are migrating to WebSphere Commerce Version 9.0.1+, we will need to upgrade your Struts configuration. See Migrating customized web applications to Struts 2.

Previous topic: Migrate the development database.
Next topic: Migrate our custom struts applications