Moving sales categories
We can move a child category to a new parent category in the same sales catalog. For example, if you find that a child category is better defined under a new parent category.
- Open the Catalogs tool.
- From the explorer filter, select Sales Catalog Categories.
- Right-click the target parent category; then click Show Subcategories. The parent category Sales Categories List view is displayed.
- Move the child category to the target parent category.
- Click the
Show utilities view.
- Browse for the child category and drag it to the Sales Categories List view.
- Drag the child category from the utilities view to the Sales Categories List view.
A dialog window is displayed and we are provided with the following choices:Move, Copy, Add, or Cancel; select Move to move the child category to the parent category.
The child category is added to the new parent category and removed from the original parent category.
- Click Save; then click Close.
Related concepts
Sales catalogs
Catalogs tool
Related tasks
Manage sales catalogs