Integrate Tealeaf Customer Experience on Cloud with the WebSphere Commerce
Tealeaf consists of a number of components that capture, store, and replay customer browsing sessions. To use Tealeaf with your Aurora starter store, configure the Tealeaf capture and replay environments, and enable Tealeaf integration in the store.
Before beginning
Task info
To integrate Tealeaf with your Aurora starter store, we must generate a JavaScript UIC configuration file while we are logged in to the Tealeaf on Cloud interface. This configuration file contains information specific to our organization and is added to the Aurora store later in the integration process. For more information about the UIC integration, see Integrate the UIC SDK with the organization's web application.
After you generate the Tealeaf JavaScript file, the file must be saved locally on the WebSphere Commerce server. Finally, you enable the Tealeaf integration in IBM Management Center for WebSphere Commerce.
- Create the UIC configuration in Tealeaf.
- Log into the Tealeaf on Cloud interface.
- Click your username in the top menu bar, then click Admin.
- Click the Applications tab. A list of available applications appears.
- Locate the Aurora application, then click Configure under the UIC column.
- Click the + New Configuration button.
- Provide a name for our configuration, like Tealeaf, then click Next.
- For all the configurations (General, Privacy, Modules, DOM Capture, Miscellaneous), use the default selections. Click Save.
- From the General tab, click Download, then select Minified. Your Tealeaf.js file is saved locally.
- Copy the Tealeaf.js to the following directory in the development environment:
- WCDE_installdir/workspace/Stores/WebContent/AuroraStorefrontAssetStore/javascript/Tealeaf
- Build your Tealeaf.js file and store assets into a deployable package.
- Enable the Tealeaf integration in Management Center.
- Open the Management Center.
- From the File menu, select File > Work On Approved Content, or on the toolbar, click
. The Management Center is now in working mode.
- From the Management Center menu, open the Store Management tool.
- Click the Stores folder, then click AuroraESite.
- Click the Analytics tab, click Enable Tealeaf integration.
- Verify the communication between Tealeaf and WebSphere Commerce.
- Visit your Aurora store using the following address:
- http://ip_address/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/en/auroraesite
Note: Use your host name or IP address, not localhost.
- https://localhost:port/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/auroraesite
- Browse the storefront, add an item to your cart, then visit the checkout page.
- Log into the Tealeaf on Cloud interface.
- By using Session search, look for the cart and checkout events.
What to do next
After enabling the integration and verify the communication between Tealeaf and your Aurora store front, we can begin using the numerous read-to-use dashboards and reports within Tealeaf. We can also begin building customized reports, workspaces, and events that suit your business needs. For a detailed demonstration about how to customize WebSphere Commerce and Tealeaf to track cart abandonment behavior that is triggered by low inventory, see
Use Tealeaf to capture cart abandonment triggered by low inventory.