Starting Search server Docker container by retrieving parameters from container environment variables
Learn about how to start Search server Docker container by specifying CONFIGURE_MODE=EnvVariables. If we are configuring a Search repeater or Search slave, for V9.0.0.0 to V9.0.0.2, you need to specify the -e SOLR_MASTER_SERVER_URL=<Search_master_hostname:3737>; for V9.0.0.3 and later, you need to specify the -e SOLR_MASTER_SERVER_URL=<Search_master_hostname:3738>.
Mandatory parameters
Parameter name Value SPIUSER_NAME Your SPIUSER name. Default is spiuser. SPIUSER_PWD The encrypted password for the 'spiuser'. See
Setting the spiuser password in our Docker imagesDBHOST DBNAME
Note: If you need to point to a different database, you need to specify all these parameters.
The database hostname. The name of the database. The database user name. The database user password. The database port. SOLR_MASTER SOLR_SLAVE
SOLR_MASTER and SOLR_SLAVE work together to determine the search node type. To configure the Search server container as:
- Search-master node:
Search-repeater node: SOLR_MASTER=true SOLR_SLAVE=true
Search-slave node: SOLR_MASTER=false SOLR_SLAVE=true
SOLR_MASTER_SERVER_URL The IP and port of the search node to poll from. Mandatory for the search-repeater/slave on the live environment SOLR_SLAVE=true. For the search-repeater node, specify the following:
- (v9.0.0.0)
For the search-slave node, specify the following
- (v9.0.0.0)
TX_HOST Specify the Transaction server hostname. Default port is 5443.
Optional parameters
Parameter name Description SOLR_REPLICATION_POLLINTERVAL The replication poll interval for search slave on the live environment. WORKAREA The search index path in the Search server Docker container. For example, /search
TRACE_SPEC Sets trace specifications. For more information about trace, see Trace components TX_PORT The Transaction server port. Default value is 5443. STOREWEB_PORT Self-defined store web server port. Default value is 443. XC_PORT Self-defined Customization server port. Default value is 9443. XC_HOST Customization server host name. SESSION_KEY_ENCRYPT Encrypted session key. HEALTH_CENTER_ENABLED Determines whether Health Center is enabled (true/false). Default value is false. DB_SSLENABLE Determines whether to enable SSL protocol for connections to the database. Valid values are true or false. Default value is false. DB_XA Specify if the XA function has been enabled for database. Default value is false.
Code example
docker run -it -e LICENSE=accept \ -e CONFIGURE_MODE=EnvVariables -e SPIUSER_NAME=<your spiuser-name> \ -e SPIUSER_PWD=<your spiuser password that you encrypted with> \ -e DBHOST=<db hostname> \ -e DBNAME=<db instance name> \ -e DBPASS=<db user password> \ -e DBPORT=<db port> \ -e DBUSER=<db user> \ -e SOLR_MASTER=true \ -e SOLR_SLAVE=false \ -e TX_HOST=<Transaction server hostname, default port is 5443> \ <Search Docker Image>